Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.9.5
Policy 2.9.5
Policy 2.9.5
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.9.5
Revised: August 14, 2017
The university considers faculty/student interaction to be of highest priority, regardless of method of course delivery. To insure student access to faculty, each faculty member shall schedule a minimum of 2.5 hours in the office for each three semester-hour course taught. In addition, faculty members should be available at other times by appointment. A faculty member teaching a face-to-face or hybrid course at another campus is expected to be available to students on that campus. School deans and external campus executive directors may approve variations based upon delivery systems and unique circumstances.
Office hours shall be included in each course syllabus and posted in an appropriate location at the office and online. In instances where posting on office doors is prohibited or an appropriate bulletin board is not available, office hours shall be provided to the school dean or to the executive director/campus dean on external campuses. Office hours should be available to the vice president of academic affairs upon request.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2014 - Title changes
- 07/01/2013 - Revision
- 12/18/2008 - Title Change
- 03/29/2007 - Reviewed
- 08/15/2004 - Reissued as policy 2.9.5
- 01/20/1998 - Inception date for policy