
Policy 2.6.5

Policy 2.6.5

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.6.5

Revised: August 14, 2017


All salary increases which are not cost of living adjustments shall be awarded as merit pay. However, this policy should not be interpreted so as to preclude salary adjustments designed to avoid salary inequities.

Performance Assessment of Faculty - Merit pay for faculty shall be based on annual performance assessments conducted at the school level. These assessments will include the same performance areas as those used for determining advancement in rank. These include:

  1. demonstrated teaching competence,
  2. interest in and involvement with students,
  3. service to the university, profession and community, and
  4. scholarly and professional activities.

Allocation of Funds for Merit Pay Awards - Funds available for salary increases will be allocated in the following order:

  1. increases for promotion in rank
  2. increases for the earned doctorate
  3. increases to maintain floor salaries established for each rank
  4. merit increases

Salary increases for promotion shall be:

Assistant Professor - $1,200
Associate Professor - $1,600
Professor - $2,500

A salary increase of $2,000 shall be awarded full-time faculty if:

  1. the doctorate is in the teaching field to which the faculty member is assigned
  2. the doctorate is from a regionally accredited university

Salary adjustments for promotions shall be made with the issuance of the next annual contract. Salary adjustments for the earned doctorate shall be made at the next regular payroll period after the official transcript, showing conferral of the doctoral degree, is received in the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and presented to the president.

Funds available for merit salary increases will be allocated in proportion to the percentage of the university's eligible personnel represented in each of the schools and in the university library. Within the allocated funds, merit salary recommendations for individual faculty will be determined by the vice president of academic affairs in consultation with the appropriate school dean. Merit salary recommendations for professional librarians will be determined by the vice president of academic affairs in consultation with the university librarian.

Recommendations shall indicate the precise dollar amount of the increase and shall be forwarded to the vice president of academic affaris and then to the president. Increases awarded shall become a part of the individuals' salary and shall continue during the individuals' employment by the university.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Title and editorial changes      
- 02/18/2013 - Revised - Salary increases increased, salary adjustments for promotions and earned doctorate

-   02/22/2007 - Reviewed

-   08/15/2004 - Reissued as policy 2.6.5

-   02/21/1995 - Reviewed

-   05/14/1993 - Inception as policy

Printable Policy 2.6.5