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Policy 2.5.8
Policy 2.5.8
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.5.8
Reviewed: August 14, 2017
The president of Wayland Baptist University, or the president's designee, is authorized to approve emergency leaves of absence.
All regular employees of the university are entitled to emergency leave of absence with pay under conditions described below. For the purpose of this policy, a regular employee is defined as one who is budgeted by name for fifty percent or more time for at least four and one-half continuous months, excluding students holding positions for which student status is a requirement for employment.
Unsafe Work or Travel Conditions - When an office or work site must close because of hazardous conditions or unsafe travel conditions for employees, the following will apply:
- The chief financial officer will define the beginning and ending times of the emergency and will provide this information for pay purposes to all university administrators on the first working day following the emergency.
- Salaried employees will be paid for that period of time during which an emergency has been declared. Hourly employees and student workers will not be paid.
- Salaried employees who are required to work during the emergency will be paid for the hours worked.
- In situations where employees are on approved sick leave or vacation leave when an emergency is declared, such leave within the emergency period will not be changed to emergency leave.
Other Circumstances - The president may make a determination on other reasons for emergency leaves and may grant an emergency leave with pay when the employee shows good cause for such leave.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 04/02/2007 - Reviewed
- 10/10/2006 - Reviewed
- 07/15/2004 - Reissued as policy 2.5.8
- 08/19/1997 - Reviewed
- 06/15/1992 - Inception for policy
Printable Policy 2.5.8