Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.5.10
Policy 2.5.10
Policy 2.5.10
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.5.10
Reviewed: August 14, 2017
SUBJECT: Pay Periods for Employees
Individuals employed on both full time and part time basis will be paid semi-monthly on the 15th and last day of the month. This will pay out yearly in 24 pay periods a year. If the 15th or last day of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday the pay period will be on the Friday prior.
Full time employees are paid to date. Part time and student employees are paid with a 2 week delay from the dates worked. Adjunct employees are paid semi monthly with the start and end dates determined by the school term period in which they are teaching.
Pay Method
Per Wayland Baptist University policy all employees, including full time, part time, adjunct and students will be paid by direct deposit. Direct deposit can be made to a checking and/or savings account. The employee must provide a voided check or form provided by the bank with the deposit information printed on it. Deposit slips or hand written information are not acceptable documents. Direct deposits will be made semi monthly, checks will be distributed once a month.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 10/25/2010 - Inception of policy