
Policy 2.4.2

Policy 2.4.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.3.2

Reviewed: August 14, 2017


Wayland has long recognized the importance of sabbaticals for faculty research, education, and renewal. Many institutions have also come to embrace the concept of a sabbatical for senior level administrative personnel. Individuals affected by this policy include the president, vice presidents, CFO, and executive directors/campus deans.

A sabbatical is a leave of absence for purposes of research, education and renewal. It is a period of time that the administrator uses to grow professionally or to engage in unique activities which contribute to the life and ministry of the university.

An administrative sabbatical can be scheduled for a time period of up to 6 weeks in length. The employee must have accrued at least 7 full-time years of service and must be currently employed under an administrative contract. Administrators would receive his/her regular salary and benefits as outlined in their WBU contract. A maximum of two administrative sabbaticals may be approved per fiscal year.

Temporary reassignment of primary position responsibilities would be made by the administrator in consultation with their immediate supervisor. If the president is utilizing a sabbatical leave his/her responsibilities will be reassigned in consultation with the Cabinet members.

The procedure for requesting a sabbatical is as follows:

  1. By December 1st of the year prior to the school year during which the sabbatical is to be taken, the administrator must submit a narrative proposal requesting sabbatical leave. The narrative should include the rationale for the sabbatical, including work, research and activities to be pursued and accomplished during the sabbatical. A budget detailing expenses related to the sabbatical must be included. The narrative is submitted to the administrator's immediate supervisor for consideration and presentation to the President's Cabinet.
  2. If the supervisor approves the request the proposal will be presented to the Cabinet for its approval. Cabinet members requesting sabbaticals will not remain in the Cabinet meeting for the vote on the request.
  3. After the Cabinet's endorsement, the request will be presented to the Board of Trustees. The Board may agree to the proposed sabbatical, may postpone action to a later meeting, may defer action to the following academic year, or may reject the proposed sabbatical. The supervisor will notify the administrator of the Board's action. Budget and personnel planning will begin for the release of any administrator granted a sabbatical.

Upon completion of the sabbatical a brief written narrative will be presented to the administrator's immediate supervisor. A synopsis will also be made available to appropriate Board committees and/or officers.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Review of policy
- 10/22/2009 - Inception of policy of 2.4.2

Printable Policy 2.4.2