
Policy 2.4.1.

Policy 2.4.1.

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.4.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


The idea of a sabbatical year dates back to the tradition of the Jewish sabbatical year. The fields were sown and harvested for six years, but during the seventh year the fields were allowed to rest. The first educational sabbatical in the United States was established at Harvard University in 1880. Other universities began to institute sabbatical leaves as they recognized the potential for faculty development and retention.

A sabbatical is a leave of absence for purposes of faculty research, education, and renewal. It is a period of time that the faculty member uses to grow professionally or to engage in unique activities which contribute to the university.

Wayland Baptist University provides faculty members two types of sabbaticals. The micro-sabbatical will be for three months for the summer term only. Compensation for the micro-sabbatical will be based on adjunct faculty pay, according to the scale currently in use and will amount to the adjunct pay for twelve summer hours. To qualify for the micro-sabbatical, the faculty member must have completed at least 5 full-time years of service plus be currently employed under a three-year contract. The application process may be initiated during the fifth contract year with the sabbatical to be awarded in the sixth contract year. The extended sabbatical will include the three month summer sessions plus one long term of the fall or spring semester. To qualify for the extended sabbatical, the faculty member must have completed at least 7 full-time years of service and be currently employed under a three-year contract. The application process may be initiated during the seventh contract year with the sabbatical to be awarded in the eighth contact year. Faculty members would receive their regular salary for the term taken off plus the regular allotted stipend based on undergraduate adjunct faculty pay for twelve summer hours.

To pursue his or her agreed upon sabbatical duties, the faculty member will be excused from any class, committee, or collateral assignment during the sabbatical period. If the faculty member on sabbatical is a school dean, another faculty member in the same academic school will be appointed by the vice president of academic affairs to serve as interim school dean during the sabbatical. Compensation for the interim school dean will be the equivalent of adjunct pay for one graduate course per term or summer session, according to the scale currently in use.

Faculty members on sabbatical will retain office, telephone, internet, and mailbox privileges normally associated with his or her faculty appointment.

The procedure for requesting a sabbatical is as follows:

  1. By September 30th of the academic year preceding the academic year of the proposed sabbatical, the faculty member must submit a narrative proposal to the appropriate school dean requesting sabbatical leave. The narrative must cover at least two typewritten pages and include the rationale for the sabbatical, including work, research, and activities to be pursued and accomplished during the sabbatical.
  2. The school dean will consider the request and forward the proposal with a personal recommendation to the Sabbatical & Leaves Committee by October 15. A school dean may forward a request for a personal sabbatical directly to the Sabbatical & Leaves Committee. If a faculty member and school dean from the same school wish to submit proposals, they should be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs, who will forward them to the Sabbatical and Leaves Committee.
  3. The Sabbatical & Leaves Committee will consider and rank in priority order all requests and will forward a recommendation to the vice president of academic affairs by November 15.
  4. The vice president of academic affairs will consider the recommendation from the Sabbatical & Leaves Committee and will forward the recommendation to the president of the university. The president will present the recommendation to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees for action at the April meeting.
  5. The Board of Trustees may agree to the proposed sabbatical, may postpone action to a later meeting, may defer action to the following academic year, or may reject the proposed sabbatical. The vice president of academic affairs will notify the faculty member of the Board's action. Budget and personnel planning will begin for the release of any faculty member granted a sabbatical.

Upon completion of the sabbatical, a written narrative, including an abstract of any research completed, will be presented to the school dean and to vice president of academic affairs. The narrative must be done during the academic year following the sabbatical leave. The faculty member will also make a presentation appropriate to the academic discipline. Any faculty member who does not complete one academic year, under contract, at Wayland Baptist University following the sabbatical will be required to reimburse Wayland Baptist University for all pay and benefits received during the sabbatical.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 02/03/2014 - Revision-rewording of 3rd paragraph, rewording of #1, last sentence added to #2

-   02/18/2013 - Revision-in #1 added "to the appropriate school dean

-   12/15/2008 - Title change

-   01/10/2007 - Review

-   02/20/2006 - Review

-   07/15/2004 - Revision-addition of last two sentences to third paragraph

-   10/15/2003 - Revision-addition of four sentences to beginning of first paragraph, Reissue as 2.4.1 - 09/25/1998 - Inception as policy

Printable Policy 2.4.1