Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.3.6
Policy 2.3.6
Policy 2.3.6
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.3.6
Reviewed: August 14, 2017
In the event of a death in your "immediate family" which includes spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or a person who is legally acting in one of these capacities, you will be allowed to use up to five (5) days of Accrued Sick Leave to travel out-of-town, make arrangements and/or attend the funeral.
In the event of a death of a close personal friend or relative not named in the "immediate family" list, you will be allowed to use up to five (5) days of Accrued Vacation Leave to travel out-of-town, make arrangements and/or attend the funeral.
Faculty members on nine (9) or ten (10) month contracts who do not accrue Vacation Leave will be allowed to use Sick Leave, whether or not the death involves "immediate family", a personal friend or a relative not named in the "immediate family" list.
We expect you to discuss with your supervisor the amount of time you will actually need and document the event either on the Timesheet or Absence Request Form (ARF) as required.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 12/02/2013 - Addition of third paragraph about faculty
- 02/21/2005 - Inception of policy
- 10/10/2006 - Reviewed
- 04/11/2007 - Reviewed
Printable Policy 2.3.6
Absence Request Form