Policy 2.2.3

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.2.3
Revised: August 14, 2017



It is within the best interest of the university to employ faculty members who are qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution with quality and integrity. When determining acceptable qualifications of faculty, the university gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. Faculty teaching undergraduate courses must hold a minimum of a master's degree and 18 graduate hours in the discipline being taught. Faculty teaching graduate courses must hold a terminal degree in the disciple being taught, or a closely related discipline with at least 18 graduate hours in the discipline. In addition to holding appropriate academic credentials, faculty members who are assigned to teach graduate courses must first be designated as graduate faculty and approved by Graduate Council.

However, when situations warrant, justification of competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes may be used in the hiring process.

In some instances, the master's degree in the discipline may be considered the terminal degree, such as the M.F.A., the M.S.W., and the M.L.S. In other instances, a master's degree in the discipline, coupled with a doctoral degree in a related discipline is considered appropriate. It is the responsibility of the institution to justify the master's degree, or the master's in the teaching discipline coupled with a related doctorate, as the terminal degree for faculty members teaching in those disciplines.

In unusual cases, Wayland may include as graduate faculty members those who have demonstrated exceptional scholarly or creative activity, or professional experience, but who may not possess the required academic credentials. Again, it is the responsibility of the institution to present evidence of competence or academic credentials other than the doctorate in the discipline to justify the employment of such faculty.

The Course Outcomes Competencies Alignment, (attachment A) serves as a guide for external campus executive directors and school deans wishing to justify the employment of faculty members who do not hold the appropriate graduate degree in the discipline. A separate Course Outcomes Competencies Alignment is required for each course taught by faculty approved using the justification process. Upon completion, the Course Outcomes Competencies Alignment should be forwarded to the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs as part of the Evaluation of Faculty Qualifications (EFQ) process.

Based upon the review of the Course Outcomes Competencies Alignment, approval to teach and terminal degree equivalency will be awarded or denied by the appropriate school dean and the vice president of academic affairs. All materials submitted will become part of the faculty member's personnel file.

This policy applies to both full and part-time faculty.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revised-title changes      
- 02/29/2016 - Revised-addition of last sentence in first paragraph (about approved by Graduate Council)

-   01/13/2014 - Revised-addition of last two sentences in first paragraph

-   08/05/2013 - Revised-editorial

-   10/22/2012 - Revised

-   11/24/2008 - Reviewed/title changes

-   02/20/2006 - Reviewed

-   07/01/2004 - Revised/reissued as policy 2.2.3

-  05/01/1997 - Inception date for policy


Printable Policy 2.2.3

Printable Attachment A