
Policy 2.1.8

Policy 2.1.8

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.1.8

Reviewed: August 14, 2017


A student on a Wayland Baptist University campus may obtain employment in two ways. The first is through the College Work-Study Program, which requires that the applicant meet certain financial need criteria and limits the number of hours that a student may work. In order to determine financial need, the student must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA can be obtained in the Student Financial Aid Office or at . The second is through the Institutional Work/Study Program. That program does not require the applicant to meet financial need criteria, but it imposes a limit on the number of hours that a student may work.

With both programs, students may not work more than twenty (20) hours per week while classes are in session. A student may work more than twenty (20) hours per week when classes are not in session or when special permission has been obtained, not to exceed 1000 hours within the fiscal year (July 1-June 30).

In the College Work-Study Program, students ordinarily work ten through twenty (10-20) hours per week. However, when a student has worked all hours awarded by the financial aid office, no additional hours may be worked under the College Work-Study Program.

Participation in the College Work-Study Program requires that the applicant meet the satisfactory progress criteria imposed on all financial aid recipients (i.e., semester and overall GPA of 2.0 and maintenance of enrollment status during the semester). Also, both programs require that an application for student employment be filed with the financial aid office.

ALL student workers are required to attend a New Student Worker Orientation prior to their first day at work.

In addition, all student employees are covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance, although they are not entitled to the fringe benefits available to other employees of the university.

The financial aid office attempts to match qualified applicants with the specifications of requesting offices seeking student employees. Sometimes such a match is not possible. There are frequently more applicants than available positions to fill. Consequently, an applicant for student employment cannot be guaranteed work.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-          08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 12/02/2013 - Minor edits, rewording of first paragraph

-          03/22/2007 - Revised and Updated

-          09/18/2006 - Reviewed

-          10/01/2004 - Reviewed

-          09/01/2003 - Reviewed

-          09/15/2001 - Reissued as policy 2.1.8 and title change

-          10/05/1995 - Reviewed

-          05/27/1992 - Policy inception date as 2.2.73

Printable Policy 2.1.8