
Policy 2.1.6

Policy 2.1.6

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.1.6

Revised: August 14, 2017


The recruitment, screening, and referral of applicants to fill approved non-faculty positions are the responsibility of the various heads of departments/schools under the direction of the appropriate administrator (president, vice president of academic affairs, vice president of institutional advancement, chief financial officer, vice president of enrollment management, or vice president of external campuses) in conjunction with the Office of Human Resources. All positions will be filled in compliance with federal and state laws and university regulations. Requests to fill non-faculty positions will be submitted to the Office of Human Resources on the Personnel Requisition Form (PRF) (policy 2.1.5, attachment A).

To facilitate proper screening and referral, job descriptions and entry-level salaries must be consistent with university practice and policies.

All employees within the Wayland system will receive notification of vacancies. In addition, all vacancies will be posted on the WBU website. When considered appropriate, vacancy announcements will be placed in designated websites and newspapers. Costs of advertisements will be charged to the department concerned. Non-faculty position vacancies must be posted for a minimum of five (5) working days.

Applicants for a non-faculty vacancy must complete the Application for Employment form (attachment A). Supervisors or employees receiving unsolicited applications or resumes for employment should forward them to the Office of Human Resources. Applicants will be interviewed by the employing department/school. If a committee is used for the search process, procedures outlined in the Search Committee Handbook (Attachment B) must be followed. The final decision on employment will rest with the administrator of the department/school requesting the position. The job description and entry level salary must be consistent with the title and salary indicated on the PRF, unless a change is authorized by the chief financial officer. No offer of employment will be made unless all provisions of the university's employment policies are followed, which include all background checks have been completed by the Office of Human Resources.

Following the selection for the position, the employing department/school head will turn in the proper forms for employment to the Office of Human Resources. Department/school heads will keep files on all applicants that applied for the job. All applicant information is then forwarded to the Office of Human Resources once the position has been filled. The Office of Human Resources will then send out notification that the position has been filled.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-          08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 10/08/2014 - Reviewed, Revised-minor editorial updates, update Attachment A

-          01/21/2014 - Addition of Attachment B (Search Committee Handbook)

-          11/24/2008 - Title change

-          03/24/2007 - Reviewed

-          08/15/2006  - Reviewed

-          10/01/2004 - Reviewed

-          05/19/2004 - Reissued to policy 2.1.6

-          10/05/1995 - Reviewed

-          05/25/1993 - Inception date for policy 2.2.4

Printable Policy 2.1.6
Printable Attachment A
Printable Attachment B