Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.1.4
Policy 2.1.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.1.4
Revised: March 12, 2020
Individuals employed by Wayland Baptist University are employed as either contractual employees or employees serving at the will of the university.
The president of Wayland Baptist University is appointed for a specified contractual term, subject to renewal at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees of Wayland Baptist University.
Vice presidents, the chief financial officer, executive directors and designated departmental directors, are appointed for a contractual term of one year (12 months), subject to renewal at the pleasure of the president. If a contractual administrator also holds faculty rank, the contractual appointment will be an administrative contract and shall not exceed one year. In those instances where an individual holding an administrative contract elects to teach a class, the class will not be considered an overload for pay purposes unless prior approval is given by the university president.
School deans are appointed for twelve months and serve at the pleasure of the university. As compensation for the additional responsibility, the school dean's nine-month salary shall be increased by an amount equivalent to the teaching of four graduate courses at the summer school instructor's rate. School deans are required to teach 12 hours in a 12-month period. Teaching overloads require the approval of the vice president of academic affairs.
Faculty are appointed for a contractual term of one, two, or three years. Wayland Baptist University defines a full-time faculty member as a faculty member to whom the following conditions apply:
- The individual's primary employment is with the university;
- The individual holds a contract for full-time employment with the university; and
- the individual's primary job responsibilities include teaching and/or research.
A one-year contract is issued to all first year faculty. During this first year, the university evaluates the faculty member's effectiveness as measured by established university criteria. Not later than March 1 of the first-year, the university must indicate its intention to terminate a first-year faculty member, to renew the one-year contract, or to issue a multi-year contract.
Depending on performance evaluation, two-year contracts may be renewed indefinitely, may be allowed to revert to a one-year contract, or may be replaced with a three-year contract. Not later than April 15 within a two-year contract, the university must indicate its intention to reduce a faculty member's contract, to renew the contract, or to issue a three-year contract.
Depending on performance evaluation, three-year contracts may be renewed indefinitely or may be allowed to revert to a two-year contract. Not later than April 15 of a three-year contract, the university must indicate its intention to reduce a faculty member's contract to a two- or one-year contract, or to issue a three-year contract.
Faculty members are obligated to fulfill the terms of employment for the following year, unless they resign prior to 30 days after receiving notification of these terms.
A faculty member is any full-time or part-time employee of Wayland Baptist University who teaches a minimum of six semester hours each semester and who holds an appointment as a professor of any rank, instructor, or lecturer. Full-time faculty are employed on a nine-month, ten-month, or twelve-month basis. Summer, micro term, or overload teaching must be agreed to in writing in a separate contract.
After September 2, 1993, the contract for a full-time faculty member employed without the terminal degree or its equivalent specifies that the employee must complete the terminal degree or its equivalent in the field to which he/she is assigned within five years of the date of initial employment. This requirement will be waived only if such a waiver is included in the faculty member's initial contract or if the faculty member was employed at Wayland prior to September 2, 1993.
University librarians are appointed for a contractual term of one, two, or three years. Contractual status is based on performance and is awarded in the same manner as for faculty. The contractual year for librarians is twelve months. University librarians are provided faculty status.
Coaches are appointed for a contractual term of one year. Coaches are provided faculty status.
Employees in classified positions, positions requiring student status, and positions paid from wage funds, serve at the will of the university.
Faculty contracts issued on a nine-month and ten-month basis provide benefits for the full twelve months of the contractual year. In instances of resignation from Wayland Baptist University, all benefits terminate on the date of resignation. Faculty who fulfill their nine-month or ten-month contractual teaching responsibility and who wish to have their benefits continue for the entire twelve months of their contractual year must designate as their date of resignation the last day of the twelve-month contractual period.
A contractual employee of Wayland Baptist University shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal, when adequate cause is established by demonstration of inability to perform assigned duties in a satisfactory manner, incompetence, misconduct, neglect of assigned responsibilities, insubordination, absenteeism, and/or failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the university.
The president shall establish regulations and procedures to assure that adequate cause exists when disciplinary action or dismissal is imposed and that the disciplined or dismissed employee shall have the opportunity to refute any charges and to present written statements or witnesses on the employee's behalf to higher authority than that imposing the discipline or dismissal.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 03/12/2020 - Includes 10-month faculty
- 01/10/2018 - Revision
- 08-14-2017 - Revision
- 08/20/2013 - Review-no change
- 07/19/2011 - Removal of tenure sentence
- 11/18/2008 - Reviewed and title changes
- 03/22/2007 - Reviewed and edited and formatted
- 08/15/2004 - Reissued as Policy 2.1.4
- 10/06/1996 - Reviewed
- 10/05/1995 - Revised and edited
- 12/16/1994 - Issued as policy as