Policy 1.7.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.7.2
Revised: August 14, 2017



Wayland Baptist University may award an honorary degree (i.e., baccalaureate, master's, or doctorate degree) to individuals who have distinguished themselves in one of the following areas:

  1. sustained scholarly activity in the arts, letters, sciences, or technology
  2. outstanding service to humanity
  3. made a noteworthy contribution or service to the denomination
  4. made a noteworthy contribution or service to Wayland Baptist University

Honorary degrees awarded by the university recognize the individual and not the position or office. Honorary degrees are not awarded in absentia or posthumously. Neither are they awarded to current employees of the university, nor to current members of the Board of Trustees. Honorary degrees are nonacademic recognitions.

Selection and Approval - Nominations of individuals to be considered as recipients of an honorary degree should be made to either the Faculty Senate or the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Nominations must be received by October 1 of the calendar year preceding that in which the degree is to be awarded; any exception to this procedure requires approval of at least four members of the committee. A completed nomination packet shall consist of seven copies of the following: a letter of nomination, a letter of support from the appropriate academic unit, if the award is based on scholarly activity; the nominee's curriculum vitae, and five supporting letters.

Nominations and supporting documents shall be reviewed by the Committee on Honorary Degrees. The committee membership is found in policy 1.2.2 attachment A. Nominees approved by the Committee on Honorary Degrees shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate. Recommendations and comments of the Faculty Senate shall be forwarded to the president for submission to the Board of Trustees.

The president shall present all nominees with recommendations by the Committee on Honorary Degrees and the Faculty Senate to the Board of Trustees for approval. Voting on honorary degrees may be conducted during a regular board meeting or by written ballot sent by mail to the trustees by the president of the university. Degrees will be conferred only when a nominee receives a three-fourths majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees.

Honorary doctorates shall be awarded only to those nominees recommended by the Committee on Honorary Degrees and approved by the Board of Trustees. Information and recommendations related to nominees for honorary degrees shall be kept confidential.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject

-   08/14/2017 - Review of policy      
- 08/28/2013 - Revision-addition of "Honorary degrees are non-academic recognitions."
-   08/01/2010 - Change from honorary doctorates to degrees; removed committee structure and referenced policy 1.2.2 - 01/18/2007 - Title changes; committee structure
-   12/01/2006 - Policy title change/edit
-   09/27/2006 - Review of policy
-   08/15/2004 - Changed to policy 1.7.2
-   03/26/1992 - Inception of policy 9.2.1


Printable Policy 1.7.2

Printable Policy 1.2.2 Attachment A