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Policy 1.7.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 1.7.1
Revised: August 14, 2017
Wayland Baptist University has a number of endowed professorships which have been established by friends of the university. Each professorship carries a stipend over and above the regular nine-month contracted salary of the faculty member awarded the professorship. The appointment to each of these professorships shall be considered continuing, and shall be terminated only if the recipient leaves Wayland Baptist University, retires, is appointed to a position other than teaching in the field to which the professorship applies, and/or fails to fulfill the requirements established for awarding the professorship. Endowed professorships established for the university and the conditions attached to each follow:
THE LESTER W. JAMES, SR. ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP IN RELIGION - This professorship shall be awarded to a professor in the School of Religion who serves at the Plainview campus. The purpose of the professorship is to support and promote excellence in teaching and leadership in the school. The recipient is expected to be actively engaged in encouraging gifts to and support for Wayland Baptist University among the churches and constituents in the general region served by the university. The professor appointed shall be a part of the regular faculty of the university and shall be selected because of his or her outstanding record as a teacher. Recommendations for this professorship shall be made to the president of the university by the dean of the School of Religion and the vice president of academic affairs. The individual named to the professorship shall be selected jointly by the president of the university and the donor. If the donor is deceased, his direct heir will be consulted if he chooses to be involved. Other conditions attached to this professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
LANGUAGES - This professorship shall be awarded to a professor in the School of Languages and Literature who serves on the Plainview campus. The purpose of the professorship is to support excellence in teaching. The professor appointed shall be either a part of the regular faculty of the university or a faculty member new to the university community. In either event, the individual named to this professorship shall be selected because of his or her outstanding record as a teacher. Recommendations for this professorship shall be made to the president of the university by the dean of the School of Languages and Literature and the vice president of academic affairs. The individual named to the professorship shall be selected by the president of the university. Other conditions attached to this professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
MATHEMATICS - This professorship shall be awarded to a professor in the School of Mathematics and Sciences who serves on the Plainview campus. The purpose of the professorship is to support excellence in teaching. The professor appointed shall be either a part of the regular faculty of the university or a faculty member new to the university community. In either event, the individual named to this professorship shall be selected because of his or her outstanding record as a teacher. Recommendations for this professorship shall be made to the president of the university by the dean of the School of Mathematics and Sciences and the vice president of academic affairs. The individual named to the professorship shall be selected by the president of the university. Other conditions attached to this professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
THE W. A. MAYS ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP IN BUSINESS - This professorship shall be awarded to a professor in the School of Business who serves on the Plainview campus. The purpose of the professorship is to support excellence in teaching. In addition, the recipient is expected to be actively engaged in linking the university to the business community in Plainview, Texas and the surrounding region. The professor appointed shall be either a part of the regular faculty of the university or a faculty member new to the university community. In either event, the individual named to this professorship shall be selected because of his or her outstanding record as a teacher and potential for active involvement and leadership in the area business community. Recommendations for this professorship shall be made to the president of the university by the dean of the School of Business and the vice president of academic affairs. The individual named to the professorship shall be selected by the president of the university. Other conditions attached to this professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
BEN AND BERTHA MIETH INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP - This professorship shall be awarded to a profession of missions in the School of Religion and Philosophy who serves on the Plainview Campus. The purpose of this professorship is to promote excellence in teaching. In addition, the recipient is expected to incorporate the principles and processes of the International Commission's "Operation Andrew" program into the curriculum of the missions and evangelism courses he/she teaches. The professorship appointed shall be either a part of the regular faculty of the university or a new faculty member to the university. In either event, the individual must be selected by the vice president of academic affairs, who shall make the award, based on an outstanding records as a missions teacher. Recommendations for this professorship may come from the dean of the School of Religion and Philosophy and other faculty within the school. Other conditions attached to the professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
This professorship shall be awarded to a professor in the School of Education who serves on the Plainview campus. The purpose of the professorship is to support excellence in teaching. In addition, the recipient is expected to be actively engaged in linking the university to the education community in Plainview, Texas and the surrounding region. The professor appointed shall be either a part of the regular faculty of the university or a faculty member new to the university community. In either event, the individual named to this professorship shall be selected because of his or her outstanding record as a teacher and potential for active involvement and leadership in the area education community. Recommendations for this professorship shall be made to the president of the university by the dean of the School of Education and the vice president of academic affairs. The individual named to the professorship shall be selected by the president of the university. Other conditions attached to this professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
KELTON L. SHAW ENDOWED MUSIC PROFESSORSHIP - This professorship shall be awarded to a music professor in the School of Fine Arts who serves on the Plainview Campus. The purpose of this professorship is to promote excellence in teaching. In addition, the recipient is expected to be actively engaged in linking the university to the music community in Plainview and the surrounding area. The professorship appointed shall be either a part of the regular faculty of the university or a faculty member new to the university community. In either event, the individual must have a demonstrated record of outstanding performance in the classroom and must have distinguished himself/herself in professional, denominational or community service. Recommendations for this professorship shall be made to the president of the university, by the dean of the School of Fine Arts and the vice president of academic affairs. The individual shall be selected by the president of the university. Other conditions attached to this professorship are included in the agreement established between the university and the donor.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Reviewed-title changes
- 02/08/2017 - Reviewed with addition of Ben and Bertha Mieth International Commission Endowed Professorship
- 08/20/2013 - Review-no changes
- 11/18/2008 - Reviewed
- 01/19/2007 - Layout Changes
- 08/01/2004 -Title change/reissued as policy 1.7.1
- 06/28/1994 - Inception of policy as 2.1.2