Policy 1.5.7

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.5.7
Inception: February 13, 2019



-The Wayland Baptist University Clery Act and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Compliance Committee (C/DACC) is responsible for overseeing the University's compliancewith the Clery Act* and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act* (DFSCA).

The purpose of the C/DACC is to establish a working group of university stakeholders to enhance campus safety by:

  1. Providing comprehensive oversight review, revision recommendations, and monitoringimplementation of all policies and procedures related to the Clery Act
  2. Providing input as to the accuracy and completeness of any statements of policy or otherinformation contained in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report prior to itspublication each year to ensure the final report accurately reflects the University's currentpolicies and practices at each of the University's campuses.
  3. Facilitating cross-campus cooperation on university efforts to comply with the Clery Act,and,
  4. Providing and/or promoting education related to campus safety and crime prevention.

The C/DACC will coordinate with representatives from various campus constituencies as well as other campus and non-campus groups to provide leadership and ensure full compliance in the areas of reporting, policy and procedure development and implementation, annually updating the Campus Security Authority (CSA) list, and providing educational programs.

The University encourages every member of the community to report any criminal activity to the Wayland Baptist 兔子先生系列麻豆 Department (UPD). The UPD is responsible for gathering and sorting all reportable statistics for the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) from all on-campus and all available off-campus resources and for the daily crime log, annual crime statistics and timely warnings.

-The C/DACC will consist of a Leadership Team that will meet on a regular and ongoing basis,and a full committee that will meet twice each year with members meeting on an as needed basiswith the leadership team depending on scope of work for the leadership meetings. A sub-Committee will be appointed for work on the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program(DAAPP) document to ensure compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act(DFSCA). The sub-committee will conduct the biennial review and ensure distribution isimplemented.

Committee Leadership Team will include:

Vice President of Enrollment Management (VPEM) - Chair
Vice President of External Campuses
Wayland Police Department Chief of Police
Executive Director of Student Services
Director of Human Resources
Title IX Administrator
Administrative Assistant of the VPEM

Full Committee will additionally include:

Chief Financial Officer
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Executive Director of Property Management
Director of Health Services
Director of Information Technology
Executive Director of Marketing
Coordinator of Housing
Coordinator of Student Activities
School Dean (1)
External Campus Executive Director/Campus Dean (1)

Potential Committee agenda topics will be, but are not limited to the following:

• Identifying, training, collecting crime statistics, documenting list of CSAs
- Clery Geography
• Developing a Clery Map
• Discussing Non-campus and Separate Campus locations
• Short stay-away trips (Athletics, student organizations, academic trips, etc.)
• Study Abroad programs
- Identifying Clery crime categories
- Assessing state laws/local ordinances for liquor,
drug and weapon law offenses and VAWA offenses
- Clery Act/VAWA policy statements and program review
- Annual Security Report preparation and review
- Emergency Response/Immediate Notification
- Timely Warning Notice (TWN) requirements
- Discuss issuing a TWN for acquaintance rape reports
- Missing person reporting requirements
- Annual Fire Safety Report
- Daily Crime and Fire Log
- Institutional records retention
- Distribution of compliance documents or notice of availability to current students/employees
- Distribution of compliance documents or notice of availability
to prospective students/employees
- Addressing Clery Act /VAWA updates
- Other institutional procedures and practices, such as creating
forms and processes to document activities (non-campus written
agreements, athletics/student organization travel, etc.)
- Records retention
- Review your institution's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Program (DAAPP) to ensure compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and
Communities Act(DFSCA) (ED is now charged with ensuring compliance
with the DFSCA)
- Review of draft AFSFR report prior to publishing
- Ensuring the required policy statements that must be included in the AFSFR are included
- Clery Compliance Calendar
- Training for all areas
- Review ED fining activity and monitoring lessons learned

* The Clery Act of 1990, as amended and the United States Department of Education implementing regulation, 34 CFR Part 668 is a landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, that requires Universities across the United States to disclose statistics about crime on and around their campuses and information about certain safety and security policies. For additional information please refer to: Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)). The law is tied to an institution's participation in federal student financial aid programs and it applies to most public and private institutions of higher education. The Act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education.

* The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) of 1989 - also known as the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act - requires institutions of higher education to establish policies that address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs. The DFSCA also requires the establishment of a drug and alcohol prevention program.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

- Inception - 02-13-2019

Printable Policy 1.5.7