Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 1.5.3
Policy 1.5.3
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 1.5.3
Revised: February 13, 2019
Drafted in compliance with The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989
Wayland Baptist University adheres to a high standard of moral conduct which includes prohibition of the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs/controlled substances (this includes illegal use, possession or distribution of prescription medication by students or university personnel, and strictly enforces this prohibition on university owned or controlled property or in conjunction with any university activity. The university may take action against students for off-campus use, possession or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances if deemed appropriate by university officials. The Wayland Police Department also strictly enforces federal, state and local law regarding the use, possession or distribution of alcohol and illegal drugs/controlled substances. Violation of federal, state, or local law regarding the use, possession or distribution of alcohol and/or illegal drugs/controlled substances may constitute a violation of the substance abuse policy. To ensure that the university continues to provide a drug-free workplace, the university will:
- Publish annually a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying those actions which will be taken against employees or students for the violation of this policy.
- Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about:
- The dangers of drug abuse
- The university's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace
- Available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs
- The penalties which may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations
- Ensure that each employee of the university receives a copy of this policy and that as a condition of employment, each employee will agree to:
- Abide by the terms of this policy
- Notify the university in writing of his/her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring on university property no later than five calendar days after such conviction
- Notify the Director, Grants and Contracts Service, and The U.S. Department of Education, in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice of the conviction of an employee working with student financial aid programs.
Wayland Baptist University, and appropriate cabinet level administrator will enforce the standard stated above by implementation of sanctions as outlined below.
No employee will report for work or will work impaired by any substance, drug or alcohol, lawful or unlawful, except with the administration's approval. Such approval will be limited to lawful medications and based strictly on an assessment of the employee's ability to perform his/her regular or other assigned duties safely and efficiently. "Impaired" means under the influence of a substance such that the employee's motor senses (i.e., sight, hearing, balance, reaction, reflex) or judgment either are or may be reasonably presumed to be affected.
Employees found to possess or distribute illegal drugs will be terminated. No employee at any work site owned or controlled by the university will possess any quantity of any substance, drug or alcohol, lawful or unlawful, except for authorized substances.
The word "alcohol" means any beverage containing more than one-half (1/2) of one percent (1%) of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.
Employees found to possess alcohol on university-owned or university-controlled property will be terminated.
- Students found to possess alcohol on university-owned or controlled property or in conjunction with any university activity may be placed on disciplinary probation for a period of two long semesters. The university reserves the right to use discretion in determining duration of sanction. Possession of paraphernalia used to consume alcohol, as well as empty alcohol containers will be considered as tantamount to possession of alcohol.
- Students found to distribute alcohol on university-owned or controlled property or in conjunction with any university activity may be suspended for a period of one long semester. The university reserves the right to use discretion in determining type or duration of sanction.
- Students found to possess controlled substances, other than alcohol, on university-owned or controlled property or in conjunction with any university activity may be suspended from the university for a period of two long semesters. The university reserves the right to use discretion in determining type or duration of sanction.
- Students found to manufacture or distribute controlled substances, other than alcohol, on university-owned or controlled property or in conjunction with any university activity may be expelled from the university. The university reserved the right to use discretion in determining type or duration of sanction.
The above sanctions and their duration are to be imposed at the discretion of university officials and represent a framework for disciplinary standards. Recurrence of offenses will incur more stringent sanctions. Completion of a rehabilitation program may be required as a part of a sanction at any level.
Imposition of sanctions will be made by university officials in the context of the university's disciplinary system. The university may also take action against students for off-campus use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances if deemed appropriate by university officials.
The university may report any violations as outlined above to the local, state or federal law enforcement officials for prosecution. There are severe penalties including imprisonment and fines for violation of controlled substance statutes on the state and federal level. Most local governments follow state sanctions as far as penalties are concerned.
SERVICES AVAILABLE - The University provides crisis intervention counseling through the Office of Counseling, Career and Disability Services. Long term rehabilitation and therapy is not provided through the university, but information and referrals to such services available locally will be furnished by the counseling staff.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 02/13/2019 - Revision - clarifications regarding violations and laws; change of interpretation
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 12/04/2008 - title change, layout change
- 05/01/2005 - Review, Revision-removal of Criminal Sanction, Federal Penalties, Health Risks, & Local Treatment sections, Reissue policy 1.5.3
- 10/16/1996 - Layout change
- 05/16/1995 - Revision-Employee Sanctions
- 12/16/1994 - Inception as policy 2.3.10