Policy 1.4.4

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.4.4
Revised: August 14, 2017



Plainview Campus - The speaker for Wayland Baptist University's graduation ceremonies held at the Plainview campus will be selected by the president of the university in consultation with the vice president of academic affairs and the senior class officers. After a speaker has been selected, the president of the university, or his designee, will extend the invitation to the selected speaker.

External Campuses - The speaker for Wayland Baptist University's graduation ceremonies held at an external campus will be selected by the executive director of that campus in consultation with the vice president of external campuses. After a speaker has been selected, the executive director of the campus will extend the invitation to the selected speaker.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 08/01/2013 - Review-"and graduate studies" added to vice president of external campuses
-   12/08/2008 - Position title change - Provost/Academic Vice President to Executive Vice President and Dean to Executive Director
-   02/22/2007 - Reviewed
-   09/15/2004 - Reviewed
-   10/01/2003 - Position Change
-   09/01/2001 - Revised and Reissued as 1.4.4
-   08/12/1998 - Revised and edited
-   06/28/1994 - Inception as Policy 1.1.31


Printable Policy 1.4.4