Policy 1.4.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.41.
Revised: August 14, 2017



The Office of the President shall maintain the Wayland Baptist University Policy and Procedures Manual and serve as the administrator charged with insuring the appropriate review of new and amended policies.

Proposed policies will be submitted to the Office of the President as a hard copy and electronically in Word format. A proposed policy will use the approved format and will include a statement identifying the administrator responsible for interpreting the policy. If a proposed policy supersedes an existing policy, the number and title and classification number of the existing policy must be identified. Prior to submission to the appropriate recommending body, all policies will be reviewed to ensure that they do not violate the policies or bylaws of the Board of Trustees.

The Faculty Senate of Wayland Baptist University will review and make recommendations regarding policies dealing with:

  1. educational policy and planning of academic programs, curriculum, and instruction,
  2. academic standards, including policies on admissions, awarding of grades, retention of students, and graduation requirements,
  3. scholarships, honors, awards, and other forms of student distinction,
  4. faculty policies and their implementation including, but not limited to, appointments, reappointments, academic freedom, evaluation, promotion, faculty workloads, and faculty development,
  5. faculty compensation policies and their implementation including, but not limited to, salaries, fringe benefits, and the awarding of merit increases,
  6. the role of research and policies for allocating undesignated research funds within the university,
  7. academic support services including, but not limited to, the library, computing, teaching and research equipment, and facilities,
  8. the appointment and evaluation of academic administrators,
  9. the establishment, reorganization, downgrading and/or discontinuation of organizational units and areas of instruction and research, and
  10. the review of administrative decisions concerning any of the above matters.

The president's cabinet will review and make recommendations regarding policies dealing with nonacademic matters.

In addition, policies will be reviewed by those university components directly impacted by the policy. Except in those instances requiring Board of Trustees approval, the final authority for the approval of all proposed policies rests with the president.

Although the Policy and Procedures Manual is the principal source for all university policies, policies dealing specifically with academic matters are also included in the academic catalog and policies dealing specifically with student services, activities, and conduct are also included in the student handbook.

A policy issued by Wayland Baptist University is issued for a period of five (5) years. At the end of the five-year period, the policy will be reviewed to determine its continuance.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

-   08/14/2017 - Reviewed      
- 03/18/2013 - Revised - seven year policy changed to five years
-   12/02/2008 - Title/Position Change and Edited
-   02/22/2007 - Layout Changes
-   09/15/2003 - Reviewed
-   10/01/2004 - Title changes and Edited
-   09/01/2001 - Reviewed and Reissued as Policy 1.4.1
-   08/25/1997 - Reviewed
-   07/30/1991 - Inception Policy 1.1.7


Printable Policy 1.4.1