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Policy 1.3.6
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 1.3.6
Revised: August 14, 2017
Purpose - The Wayland Baptist University Faculty Senate is the formal, deliberative and legislative body of the university's faculty. The Faculty Senate serves as an advising and recommending body to the president and the vice president of academic affairs. The Faculty Senate is the faculty's only representative body for participation in the governance of the university whose purpose is:
- to facilitate the work of the faculty in carrying out its primary responsibilities for fundamental areas such as curriculum overview, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational mission and purpose of the Wayland Baptist University System.
- to provide faculty recommendations to the administration regarding the development and implementation of university policies.
- to serve as a forum for discussion of issues of concern to the faculty and to ensure effective communication between faculty and administration concerning areas of mutual interest.
- to promote active advisory participation in the planning for utilization of university resources and facilities.
- to encourage and facilitate the professional growth of the faculty.
In keeping with these purposes, the Faculty Senate shall review and submit recommendations related to new policies, changes in existing policies, and the interpretation of existing policies that deal with the following matters:
- educational policy and the planning of academic programs, curriculum, and instruction;
- academic standards, including policies on admissions, awarding of grades, retention of students, and graduation requirements;
- university scholarships, honors, awards, and other forms of student distinction;
- faculty policies and their implementation, including but not limited to, appointments, reappointments, academic freedom, evaluation, promotion, faculty workloads, faculty development, salaries, fringe benefits, and the awarding of merit increases;
- the role of research and policies for the allocation of undesignated research funds;
- academic support services, including, but not limited to, library, computing, teaching, research equipment, and facilities. The appointment and evaluation of academic administrators.
The senate may also give advice in the following areas:
- the academic calendar
- planning and operation of physical facilities
- establishment of budgeting priorities
- appointment and evaluation of non-academic administrators
- student affairs
- athletic programs as they affect academic programs and student performance
- other matters pertaining to the general welfare of the university
In these and other matters that are considered vital to the university, the Faculty Senate shall be a forum for discussion and debate. It will invite faculty opinions, discuss relevant issues with appropriate persons, and transmit information and recommendations to the appropriate administrator. No university officer or body is empowered to exercise control over the senate's recommendations.
Membership - The Faculty Senate is the legislative body of the Wayland Baptist University faculty. The general meetings of the faculty are called the Faculty Assembly. Eligibility for membership in the assembly and election to the senate is limited to:
- full-time faculty who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor and whose primary responsibility is teaching.
- all academic school deans
- professional librarians with faculty rank
Operating under a constitution and bylaws, the president of the senate shall convene a full assembly meeting at the beginning of each regular academic semester for the purpose of discussing and reporting on the agendas and accomplishments of the senate. Called sessions of the assembly may be made by the senate president or upon the request of at least ten faculty members and must be announced at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Faculty Senate will meet at least once a month during the academic year. The senate president may call additional senate meetings as needed. A quorum shall consist of a majority of elected representatives.
Proposal to amend this constitution and its bylaws may be made by a simple majority of the senate. Amendment proposals must be distributed in writing to each faculty member in the exact form of the wording as it should appear in the constitution. A two-thirds vote of the faculty is necessary to approve any change to the constitution. Faculty will have one week from the time of the announcement of the proposed amendments to return ballots to a specially appointed counting committee. The counting committee must announce the results within one week of the deadline for returning ballots.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject
- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 08/01/2013 - Review-no changes
- 11/12/2008 - Reissued as Faculty Senate
- 09/15/2004 - Edited
- 10/01/2003 - Review and edited
- 09/01/2001 - Reissued as 1.3.6
- 05/17/1996 - Editorial and layout changes
- 03/15/1992 - Inception as Faculty Assembly Policy 1.1.6