Policy 1.3.5

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.3.5
Revised: November 14, 2023



Purpose - The Graduate Council serves as the university’s graduate curriculum and academic policy review committee and provides a forum to ensure that both faculty and administration are involved in the educational program and policy review. The Graduate Council is specifically charged with ensuring that each educational program for which graduate credit is awarded

  1. is compatible with the university’s mission statement
  2. is based on a field of study appropriate to graduate higher education
  3. embodies a coherent course of study that includes a cohesive sequence of courses
  4. has slated programs and course learning objectives
  5. ensures appropriate levels of student achievement
  6. provides adequate faculty and learning resources to support the program.

In addition, the Graduate Council is charged with:

  1. recommending requirements for admission to graduate study
  2. ensuring that candidates for graduate degrees have satisfactorily completed all degree requirements
  3. ensuring that graduate instruction and resources foster independent learning and enable the graduate to contribute to  a profession or field of study
  4. establishing and monitoring criteria for awarding graduate credit
  5. approving any variation from established graduate policy
  6. ensuring that university graduate policies conform to the criteria established by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the standards established by the Texas Higher Education Board in matters pertaining to state statue, the standards established by the Texas Educational Agency in matters related to professional certification, and the criteria established by any other accrediting body or state agency with which the university holds membership or affiliation.

Membership - The membership of the Graduate Council shall be reviewed annually to ensure that the primary responsibility for the quality and oversight of all educational programs rests with the faculty.  A complete listing of the membership can be found in Attachment A.

Procedure - The Graduate Council shall meet at least once each month to handle routine business associated with the university’s graduate programs. Matters may be brought to the attention of the Graduate Council by:

  1. the President’s Cabinet
  2. the graduate faculty members of Faculty Senate
  3. an external campus executive director/campus dean
  4. an academic school dean
  5. the vice president of academic affairs

In the interest of efficiency, if there are no agenda items, the meeting will be cancelled and the Council will meet at the next scheduled meeting time. If there are three or fewer agenda items, the items may be deferred to the next meeting if feasible. If the chair determines after consultation with the individual submitting an agenda item that it is critical the item be acted upon prior to the next scheduled meeting, the matter will be presented to the Council in an electronic format. In such instances, materials received relative to the agenda item will be provided to Council members electronically with a request for a motion for action and a second. Once a motion for action on the item and a second have been received electronically, a 48-hour period will be set aside for any additional input or discussion. At the end of the 48-hour discussion period, the chair will issue an electronic call for a vote. The chair will establish a time when voting will close at the time the vote is called. Once results are tallied, the Council will be informed of the decision.

To conserve time, those desiring to bring a matter before the Graduate Council should meet with the vice president of academic affairs prior to placing the item on the council agenda. This will allow time to refine proposals and to ensure that they fall within the mission of the council. School deans are responsible for communicating regularly with the graduate faculty to acquaint them with issues before the council and to secure their input into the council agenda. The external campus executive director is responsible for communicating regularly with other campus executive directors/deans to acquaint them with the issues before the council and to secure their input into the council agenda.

The president of the Faculty Senate is responsible for communicating regularly with the Faculty Senate to acquaint them with the issues before the council and to secure their input into the council agenda. The Faculty Senate President provides appropriate Faculty Senate members with proposed graduate curricular changes in advance of second readings, and shares any faculty concerns with the Graduate Council.

Curricular changes submitted to the council require two readings at regularly scheduled meetings prior to a vote. For curriculum matters to be considered at a special session, all members must be notified in advance of the meeting. All votes require a quorum. Upon receiving a simple majority vote, changes are considered approved by the Graduate Council. Each spring term, the vice president of academic affairs submits a comprehensive list of approved curricular and catalog changes from the recent fall term to the President’s Cabinet for consideration and final approval. In certain instances, recommendations must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The academic affairs committee of the Board of Trustees reviews and recommends to the full board all graduate academic policies requiring board approval.

Contact for Interpretation:   Vice President of Academic Affairs


This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


  • 11/14/2023 – Editorial revisions
  • 08/14/2017 – Title changes
  • 07/01/2013 – Revision-Addition of 4th to last paragraph
  • 08/01/2010 – Membership listing reference to policy 1.2.2; title changes
  • 01/09/2009 – Title changes; reference to Faculty Senate
  • 04/11/2007 – Review; title changes
  • 10/01/2004 – Title changes
  • 11/01/2003 – Grammatical edits/title changes
  • 10/01/2002 – Titles; review
  • 09/01/2001 – Number change from policy; structure, policies, procedures added
  • 06/01/1997 – Expansion of policy – approval detail
  • 06/01/1995 – Inception as

Printable Policy 1.3.5

Printable Policy 1.2.2 Attachment A