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Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number:
Revised: November 14, 2018
The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness shall maintain the university strategic plan and the university deferred maintenance plan and serve as the administrative unit charged with the annual evaluation and revision of each.
Review and revision shall be done with the participation of the University Strategic Planning Council.
The purpose of the annual planning cycle is to:
- review the university strategic plan and university deferred maintenance plan in conjunction with assessment and evaluation findings of the previous year;
- adjust programs and objectives to more clearly reflect the mission of the university; and devise new strategies to make Wayland more effective in achieving its mission.
The annual planning cycle shall consist of the following activities:
- Annually, the University Strategic Planning Council shall review the mission statement and Core Values each September, presenting recommendations to the president no later than September 30.
- During the months of November - January, the University Strategic Planning Council will review the university strategic plan and the university deferred maintenance plan. The council will review the plans, assess progress toward their completion, and make recommendations for addition, deletion, or revision to the president by February 1. Recommendations will be reviewed by the budget committee for inclusion in the next budget cycle.
- Utilizing assessment results from the previous academic year, each academic and administrative unit shall review its unit objectives annually. During this review, each academic and administrative unit shall make necessary adjustments to objectives and programs. Each unit should also determine how assessment of these objectives will be accomplished in the year ahead. Revisions should be reviewed with the appropriate Cabinet--level administrator and then presented to the president.
- During the month of October, the University Strategic Planning Council will present the university strategic plan for review, adoption, and budget consideration, by the President's Cabinet.
- During the fall and spring semesters, each academic and administrative unit shall implement its revised plan, including assessment activities.
- Utilizing the Planning, Budgeting and Effectiveness Report, results from assessment activities for each student learning/unit outcome and objective shall be prepared in the form of the End-of-Year report and submitted to the appropriate academic or administrative unit supervisor and the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness by May 31.
A summary of the Annual Planning Cycle is presented in Attachment A.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 11/14/2018 - Revision of dates.
- 06/12/2017 - Title change and addition of Attachment A.
- 01/13/2014 - Revision-addition of last sentence in #1
- 06/09/2011 - Change June and July to October and November, Change July to May
- 11/12/2008 - Title change
- 01/18/2007 - Title change
- 01/16/2001 - Reissued as policy
- 10/22/1996 - Reviewed
- 10/31/1995 - Inception of policy
Printable Policy
Printable Attachment A