Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 1.2.2
Policy 1.2.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 1.2.2
Revised: August 9, 2021
University Committees – University committees are composed of members of both the faculty and staff. Committee assignments are reviewed annually by the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees. New members are selected from across the University System such that, as much as possible, all campuses have representation on committees. After a committee assignment is completed, the committee member rotates off for at least one year. Term dates for committees begin on August 1 and expire on July 31. Most assignments are for two years; however, specific positions may be permanent or only for one year. Being selected to serve on a university committee requires the employee to actively participate in the committee as a part of regular duties and responsibilities.
The following are the officially recognized university committees and applicable policy. A complete listing of committee membership structure can be found in Attachment A.
Faculty Committees – Faculty committee assignments are reviewed annually by the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees. New members are selected from across the University System such that, as much as possible, all campuses have representation on committees. After a committee assignment is completed, the committee member rotates off for at least one year. Term dates for committees begin on August 1 and expire on July 31. Most assignments are for one year; however, specific positions may be permanent or extend into two years. Being selected to serve on a faculty committee requires the employee to actively participate in the committee as a part of regular duties and responsibilities.
The following are faculty committees as outlined in the Faculty Senate constitution:
Chairs and Minutes for All Committees – Whenever possible, the Committee on Committees selects chairpersons from among those people who have previous experience on the committee. The chair of each committee shall serve a one-year term, unless otherwise designated.
All committees shall submit one copy of minutes of their meetings to 1) the Vice President of Academic Affairs, 2) the Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, and 3) the Secretary of the Faculty Senate, who will post the minutes to the Faculty Assembly Blackboard site.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on the subject.
- 04/17/2024 - Revision to Attachment A; Honorary Degrees
- 03/13/2024 - Revision to Attachment A; BAS/BCM/AAS Review Committee
- 02/14/2024 - Revision to Attachment A; added Faculty Athletic Representative to Athletics Committee
- 10/24/2022 兔子先生系列麻豆 – Revision to Faculty Senate Constitution Attachment
- 03/09/2022 兔子先生系列麻豆 – Revision to Attachment A
- 08/09/2021 – Revision-Virtual Campus to WBUonline; Academic Standards and Interdisciplinary Programming eliminated from the faculty committees; Attachment A and Faculty Senate Constitution Attachment
- 09/09/2020 – Revision to Attachment A, added SACSCOC Liaison to 3 committees
- 08/12/2020 – Revision to Attachment A, title changes
- 08/07/2019 – Editorial change to policy and revision to Attachment A
- 07/10/2019 – Revision to Attachment A
- 02/13/2019 – Addition of Clery Act and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Compliance Committee
- 06/20/2018 – Revision to Attachment A
- 06/12/2017 – Review; title changes including Attachment A
- 08/10/2016 – Addition of BGS Review Committee and Staff Orientation and Development Committee; edit of composition and duties of Diversity Awareness and Education Committee; correction of position titles for document consistency; addition of Executive Director of Admissions and Recruiting to several committees
- 07/30/2015 - Addition of Integrated Marketing Council; Faculty Orientation and Development; and Interdisciplinary Programming
- 02/03/2014 - Addition of 2nd and 3rd sentence in 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence in Faculty Committees, and entire Chairs and Minutes for All Committees Section, update of Attachment A
- 08/12/2013 -Creation Care Committee added to policy and Attachment A
- 06/13/2013 - Title change-BAS to BAS/BCM, update titles on Attachment A-Coordinator of BAS/BCM Records to Director of BAS/BCM Records
- 03/01/2013 - Addition of Social Media Committee
- 10/22/2012 - Update Attachment A and “research” removed from Institutional Review Board title
- 07/24/2012 - Addition of Virtual Campus Council
- 05/05/2011 - Addition of Diversity Awareness and Education Committee
- 08/01/2010 - Inception
Printable Faculty Senate Constitution Attachment