
High School Counselors

High School counselors play a crucial role in providing information to students who are looking to pursue a college degree. Here are some basic facts about Wayland that you can pass along to your students.

Our Mission

Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind.

Wayland Baptist University

Wayland is a liberal arts university based in Plainview, Texas, a community of approximately 22,000. We are the oldest institution of higher education in continual existence on the High Plains of Texas. Wayland was founded in 1908.

The Plainview campus is a traditional college campus with student dormitories, cafeteria, student lounges, and a full compliment of athletics and student activities. Wayland also operates several external campuses located in six states.

The Plainview campus enrollment is around 1,500 students with a total system enrollment of more than 5,000.

We are affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas.


Wayland offers Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. Students may study in one of nine academic schools: The School of Behavioral and Social Sciences, School of Business, School of Education, School of Fine Arts, School of Languages and Literature, School of Mathematics and Sciences, School of Music, School of Nursing (San Antonio campus), and the School of Religion and Philosophy.

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Contact Information

Office of Admissions

Wayland Baptist University

1900 W. 7th
CMB 1294
Plainview, TX 7072

Office Hours:
M-F 8:15AM-5PM