Policy 9.4.6

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.4.6
Revision: December 7, 2023


A proposed change in an undergraduate academic program may originate with an individual faculty member, an academic school, an external campus, or the vice president of academic affairs.

Regardless of the point of origination, a proposed change shall first be reviewed by the academic school(s) impacted by the change. For changes that impact the general education core curriculum, the Core Curriculum Committee must review and approve prior to continuing with the process to the Academic Council. Changes or revision to BAS or BCM degrees must be submitted to the BAS/BCM Committee for review prior to being submitted to Academic Council for a first and second reading. All other proposed changes will be submitted to the Academic Council for university-wide review following the review by the appropriate academic school(s).

A proposed change shall have two readings during regularly scheduled meetings of the council. A change may be considered during a called session of the council; however, all members must be notified in advance of the meeting. After the initial reading, members of the council are to communicate the proposed change and its implications to those university constituents they represent. After the second reading, the council will vote on the proposed change. A quorum must be present for a vote to be taken. If the proposed change fails, no further action will be taken. If the proposed change is accepted by a simple majority vote, the Faculty Senate President will submit it to the Faculty Senate for their consideration. The Faculty Senate will review the change and the results of the review will be reported to the vice president of academic affairs. Each spring term, the vice president of academic affairs submits a comprehensive list of approved curricular and catalog changes from the recent fall term to the President’s Cabinet for consideration and final approval.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs


This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


  • 12/07/2023 – Revision to align with practice
  • 08/14/2017 – Revision-title changes
  • 09/29/2011 – Revision-clarification of process for general education changes
  • 03/14/2007 – Review
  • 11/15/2005 – Revision-editorial change
  • 10/01/2004 – Reissue as 9.4.6
  • 11/02/1995 – Inception as policy 1.1.9


Printable Policy 9.4.6