Policy 9.4.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.4.1
Revised: January 10, 2024


Each course offered by the university must be supported by an official course syllabus. Course syllabi are provided students on the first-class day.


Each Wayland undergraduate and graduate syllabus is to include the following elements in the order listed:


  1. Wayland Baptist University, campus name, academic school name (e.g., School of Languages and Literature)


  1. Wayland Mission Statement


  1. Course Name - alpha, numeric, section, course title (e.g., ENGL 1301-PL01 Composition and Rhetoric)


  1. Term


  1. First and last name of instructor


  1. Office phone number and WBU email address (home phone and cell phone optional)


  1. Office hours, building, and location


  1. Class meeting time and location


  1. Catalog description


  1. Prerequisites


  1. Required textbook and resource materials


  1. Optional materials


  1. Course outcome competencies


  1. Attendance requirements


  1. Link to WBU’s Statement on Academic Integrity, and reference one of the following in regard to how generative artificial intelligence (GAI) such as ChatGPT may or may not be used in this course:
    1. No use of any generative AI tools permitted.
      1. Students are required to create and produce all work themselves or with assigned group members. Any work submitted that has used an AI generative tool like ChatGPT will be in immediate violation of the academic integrity policies for the course and WBU.
      2. All assignments must be fully created, designed, and prepared by the student(s).
  • Any work that uses generative AI will be treated as plagiarism.
  1. Generative AI tools permitted in specific context and with proper citations.
    1. Students are allowed to use, reference, or incorporate generative AI tools into specific assignments for this course. When used, students must properly cite the generative AI tool in their submitted work.
    2. While there is no true substitute for direct help and instruction for your instructor, students may be allowed to use generative AI tools to provide further explanations of course content, readings, and other assignments. Any use of generative AI tools to help further explain or translate content must be properly referenced and cited.
  • Specific parameters for generative AI usage are provided by the instructor.
  1. Any use of generative AI tools outside of the approved instructor parameters will be considered a form of plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
  1. Generative AI tools usage encouraged and may be actively assigned in coursework.
    1. Use of generative AI tools is actively encouraged and incorporated in to specific assignments for this course.
    2. Use of generative AI tools for assignments in brainstorming, content understanding, or revision to work is perfectly acceptable if cited and referenced properly in any submitted work for the course.
  • Use of generative AI is encouraged as long as students understand the use of generative AI in the course is to be an assistance tool and not the generator of assignments and submitted work. Ultimately, all submitted work must still reflect student’s own work, understanding, and analysis.
  1. Specific parameters for generative AI usage provided by the instructor.
  2. Any use of generative AI tools outside of the approved instructor parameters will be considered a form of plagiarism and academic dishonesty.


  1. Disability statement - In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Disability Services Coordinator and Academic Coach serves as the coordinator of students with disabilities and must be contacted concerning accommodation requests (office (806) 291-1057. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.


  1. Course requirements and grading criteria


  1. The following statement must be included following course requirements and grading criteria: Students shall have protection through orderly procedures against prejudices or capricious academic evaluation. A student who believes that he or she has not been held to realistic academic standards, just evaluation procedures, or appropriate grading, may appeal the final grade given in the course by using the student grade appeal process described in the Academic Catalog. Appeals may not be made for advanced placement examinations or course bypass examinations. Appeals are limited to the final course grade, which may be upheld, raised, or lowered at any stage of the appeal Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval. The Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee may instruct that the course grade be upheld, raised, or lowered to a more proper evaluation.


  1. Tentative schedule (calendar, topics, assignments)


  1. Faculty may add additional information as desired


The following statements apply to both the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs:


To ensure that syllabi from course to course and school to school remain consistent, all syllabi for courses in the undergraduate and graduate program must conform to the university's standardized format.  


For the Plainview campus, a current copy of each course syllabus is to be filed with the dean of the appropriate school prior to the first class meeting.


For external campuses, a current copy of each course syllabus is to be filed with the executive director/campus dean and the dean of the school prior to the first class meeting.


The master syllabus for each course must be reviewed and updated every two years. Placement and Review of Electronic Syllabi

No later than August 1 of each year, the school dean will post an official syllabus template for each course to the appropriate academic section of the Blackboard Textbook List and Syllabi Templates for Faculty site. Official syllabi templates are posted at the discretion of school deans only. Official syllabi must be consistent with university policy. Only one official syllabus template should be posted for each course. Official syllabi must be posted using the current university version of Microsoft Word. 


External executive directors/campus deans are responsible for collecting and reviewing syllabi for all courses taught each session or term on their campus. Syllabi must be consistent with university policy. If syllabi are inconsistent with university policy, it is the responsibility of the executive director/campus dean to consult with the instructor to correct the syllabus prior to posting it on the Blackboard Syllabi Review site. No later than the census date, each executive director/campus dean will post corrected electronic syllabi for all courses taught in that session or term to the appropriate academic section of the Blackboard Syllabi Review site. Syllabi must be posted using the current university version of Microsoft Word. While executive directors/campus deans may elect to designate a faculty or staff member to collect, review, and post electronic syllabi for their campus, it is the responsibility of the executive director/campus dean to ensure compliance with university policy.


School deans are responsible for reviewing and clearing submitted syllabi from the Blackboard site in a timely manner. No sooner than the last day of the current term, and no later than the last day of the succeeding term, school deans will remove syllabi posted by executive directors/campus deans from the Blackboard Syllabi Review site.


Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs



 This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.



  • 01/10/2024 – Revision regarding Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) use in WBU courses
  • 07/24/2023 – Changes to number 15, 16, and Placement and Review of Electronic Syllabi section
  • 12/04/2019 – Adjust numbering accordingly
  • 08/14/2017 – Title changes
  • 09/01/1996 – Inception as policy
  • 01/20/1998 – Content for syllabus expanded
  • 08/15/2004 – Reissued as
  • 04/17/2007 – Review, and title change
  • 07/07/2007 – Designation for graduate and undergraduate syllabi
  • 04/06/2009 – Revised disability statement and syllabus sample removed graduate/undergrad designation
  • 05/27/2014 – Revision-addition of #17 statement
  • 10/08/2014 – Revision-addition of #15, update of Attachment to reflect change made to policy


Printable Policy 9.4.1