
Policy 9.3.1

Policy 9.3.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.3.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


A permanent academic record is maintained by the university on each student. The undergraduate files are created in the admissions office and transferred to the university registrar upon admission to the university. Graduate files are maintained in the graduate studies office from the point of admission through graduation.

In addition to admissions documentation and other documentation received during the admissions process (which may include letters of recommendation, admissions forms, transcripts, military records, and test scores), the following data will be maintained in the student's permanent record:

  1. The student's academic record - This record is electronically stored for students who attended after the 1991 summer terms.
  2. All academic references submitted to the university registrar - These include, but are not limited to:
    1. change of grade
    2. change of "I"
    3. notice of academic honors
    4. academic sanctions
    5. verification of enrollment et al
    6. interdepartmental activities as they may relate to a particular student

Changes in Permanent Records (change of departmental prefix, catalog number, or course title for cross-listed courses) - The departmental prefix, catalog number or course title of a cross-listed course may be changed during the semester or term in which the course is registered only until the grade roster for that semester or term has been produced. Such changes require written approval and a statement of justification for the change from the chair of the school offering the course.

A change of departmental prefix, catalog number, or course title will not be approved if submitted after the grade for a given course has been made a part of the student's permanent record.

Change of Grade - A change of grade (among the values of A, B, C, D, F) may occur only if there has been an error in the computation or recording of the grade or if a change has been ordered as a result of the grade appeal process. A grade may not be changed because of consideration of work completed following the end of the grading period for which the grade was issued. The change is initiated by the instructor of record and approved by the school chair of record.

Mark of "I": Assignment and Removal - An incomplete notation ("I") may be given to a student who is passing but has not completed a term paper, examination, or other required work for reasons beyond the student's control other than lack of time.

The notation of "I" indicates that work in a course is incomplete (certain work is postponed by the student for substantial reason with the prior consent of the instructor) but otherwise satisfactory. A Professor's Incomplete Report, (attachment A) must be completed and filed with the university registrar's office for each assigned "I". The required course work must be complete by the end of the next regular term. The record of the change must be received by the university registrar by the last day of the term. If the work is not completed by the designated date, the "I" will be converted to an "F" unless the instructor has assigned an alternate qualitative grade on the Incomplete Report form. An incomplete notation cannot remain on the student's permanent record and must be converted to a qualitative grade (A-F) at the conclusion of the next regular term. The defaulted grade may not be changed, except as specified in the above paragraph on the change of grade. Therefore; the official record will reflect the "I" grade value calculated into the grade point average.

At the point of degree conferral, a degree program becomes sealed. It may not be augmented, altered, or amended except to address a factual error, such as an incorrectly computed or recorded grade. Should the mark of "I" be present at the point of degree conferral, it will be set administratively to a grade of "F" or the equivalent. The mark of "I" will not be permitted to be changed to a letter grade or credit-bearing rubric under such circumstances.

Mark of "X": Assignment and Removal - A notation of "X" indicates that no grade has been submitted. The "X" notation is assigned to a course by the university registrar at the end of a semester or summer term only when a grade is not submitted by the instructor after a reasonable attempt has been made to obtain a grade from the instructor concerned. The registrar will notify the chair of the school of record and the instructor responsible for the course that an "X" notation has been made and will request that the instructor, at the beginning of the next full semester, remove the "X" notation and assign a letter grade using a grade change report. The instructor will have 30 days from the beginning of the next full term to report a grade to the registrar. If the instructor does not or is unable to submit the grade within 30 days, the school dean, in consultation with faculty, will submit the course grade.

No re-issuing of Diploma or Certificate under an Institutional Designation Different than the Original - Should Wayland Baptist University be affected by a change of designation, such as name, title, or status, that change will be reflected on the records of all students enrolled at the time and from that time forward, but with the following exception:

Any student graduating with an effective date of the term or semester of the change may have the option of declaring the institutional name or title under which the degree will be conferred. This option must be exercised before the degree is conferred and cannot later be changed. Except by the action of the Board of Trustees, a diploma or certificate will not be reissued under an institutional designation different from the one present at the time of the original conferral.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statement on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 03/11/1992 - Inception as policy

-   07/21/1997 - Review

-   06/15/2004 - Revision-position change

-   06/15/2004 - Reissue as 9.3.1

-   01/18/2007 - Review-Attachment A

-   04/25/2007 - Review

-   03/12/2009 - Revision-title change

Printable Policy 9.3.1

9.3.1 Attachment A