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Policy 9.2.3
Policy 9.2.3
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 9.2.3
Revised: August 14, 2017
General Regulations - The university will consider for transfer only collegiate-level work completed at an institution of higher education. To be acceptable for transfer, the work must be of comparable level and content with the degree being sought at Wayland. In no instance will remedial, high school, or duplicate work be accepted for transfer. Acceptability of work for transfer does not imply that it is applicable to the 124 semester hours required for a baccalaureate degree.
Under certain conditions, credit earned in a non-collegiate setting such as a military school may be accepted for transfer. Persons who have been granted honorable or general discharge from military service of the United States may request an evaluation of service records for potential credit award. The student must provide copies of DD214 or other applicable documents. To be accepted, the work must:
- represent collegiate course work relevant to the degree;
- include course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in the university's undergraduate program; and
- have been evaluated and recommended for credit by the American Council on Education; and, have been taught by a qualified faculty member.
Coursework accepted under the above conditions must be adequately justified and must include documentation that the work was either:
- recommended for credit by a member of the university's full-time faculty who teach full-time in the area being evaluated and who holds the terminal degree in the area being evaluated; or,
- recommended for credit by the American Council on Education and/or the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
The student must provide official copies of transcripts from each institution attended. The records facility of the granting institution must mail such transcripts directly to the university registrar's office. Students registering at one of the university's external campuses may have the transcript mailed to the executive director/campus dean of that external campus. The executive director/campus dean will then forward the transcript to the university registrar's office. A hand-carried document will be accepted for evaluation if it is in a sealed institution envelope with a school seal, stamp, or signature on the back flap of the envelope. Upon receipt, the documents become the property of Wayland and will not be returned to the student either as originals or as copies. The university's transcript evaluators are responsible for the evaluation of transfer credit. Depending on the degree being sought, either the university's Academic Council or Graduate Council will hear appeals of decisions made by these evaluators and the judgment of these councils is final.
All transferred work (with accompanying grades or marks) will be translated into Wayland terms. At the undergraduate level, when the content or level renders an equivalency impossible, the work will be given a generic title and number. Under no circumstance will work taken at the freshman or sophomore level count toward satisfying the upper-division requirements established for any degree. Should the record show work which is duplicated in the university registrar's opinion, the first duplicated grade will be the grade of record, and all others will be recorded without credit.
At the graduate level, any course accepted by transfer for leveling will carry credit but not grade-point value. Moreover, to transfer credit, the student must have earned a grade of B or higher in the course. To satisfy degree requirements, transfer credit must not be more than seven years old at the time of graduation.
Transfer work will become a part of the student's record only after matriculation and then only when the student has established a course of record. Transfer credit will be assessed and students will be informed of the amount of credit which will transfer, preferably prior to their enrollment, but at least prior to the end of the first academic term in which they are enrolled.
Foreign Institutions- Students who wish to transfer work from foreign institutions must submit the following:
- Official transcript(s) in the original language sent from the issuing institution to the office of the university registrar;
- Translations of the official transcript(s) into standard English and certified by a translator approved by the university registrar; and
- Evaluation of the official transcript must be done by a professional evaluator service.
This evaluation must include appropriate subject identification, upper/lower level designation, and U.S. equivalent GPA calculation. A copy of the results for each transcript must be sent directly to Wayland from the evaluation service. A list of acceptable companies is available from the university registrar or the international admissions representative.
Credit by Examination - Wayland Baptist University recognizes the validity of accepting credit for specified levels of achievement on institutionally approved, comprehensive examinations. Such work will be treated as transfer credit and may not be used to satisfy residency requirements. The minimum level score and maximum amount of credit accepted by the institution is based on the recommendations of the approved testing agencies. The testing agency must provide examination results (scores) directly to Wayland and must provide them within the date limitation for applicability that agency has established. Wayland generally accepts test scores and awards credit for acceptable scores from the following testing agencies: ACT, SAT, AP, CLEP, and CEEB. A grade of "P" (pass) or the equivalent will be assigned where applicable.
Equivalencies - For the purpose of transfer, all work taken at other institutions and not recorded as semester hours will be converted to semester credit hours according to standard conversion formulas prior to evaluation for transfer. Quarter hour credit is generally accepted at the rate of two-thirds to one (ex.: 3 quarter hours = 2 semester hours). Clock hours are generally accepted at the rate of fifteen to one. The university will use the summation of the individual course equivalencies from a particular institution to compute grade point average and/or credits earned. For credit systems other than those listed above, the registrar will determine an ad hoc mathematical relationship and apply it to the record in question.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 03/19/1992 - Inception as policy 9.1.6
- 08/19/1997 - Revision-added language
- 01/20/1998 - Revision-layout change, "Military", "Other Non-Collegiate Experiences", and "Bible Schools" sections deleted - 06/15/2004 - Revision-title change
- 06/15/2004 - Reissue as 9.2.3
- 02/20/2006 - Review
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 03/12/2009 - Revision-title change