Policy 8.7.1

Policy 8.7.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 8.7.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


Plainview campus
University recognitions and awards are administered by the Office of Executive Director of Student Services at the Plainview campus. Recognitions and awards include the following:

Spinning Wheels - This award is based on campus leadership. It is presented annually to no more than ten students. To be eligible, the recipients must be classified as either a junior or senior and have a G.P.A. of at least 2.0. Award recipients are selected by a committee of three faculty members and two members of the administration and/or staff. Membership of the committee will be recommended by the executive director of student services and approved by the vice president of academic affairs. The committee shall make their selection from a list of 20 students elected by vote of the student body during a chapel service. Students will vote from a list of all junior and senior students who have a G.P.A. of at least 2.0 at the beginning of the semester during which the vote is taken.

Who's Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities - This award is based on academic excellence and campus leadership. To be considered a student must be a senior and must be nominated by a faculty member in the academic school containing his/her major. Final recipients will be determined from the list of nominees by a committee consisting of the following:

• a faculty representative from each academic school (to be designated by the school chair),

• a student representative from each resident hall (to be designated by the executive director of student services),

• two nonresident students (to be designated by the executive director of student services), and

• two staff or administration members (to be designated by the vice president of academic affairs).

The committee will make its determination based on the scholastic and campus leadership information available and on the number of students who can be recognized according to the university's quota as established by Who's Who Among Students In American Colleges and Universities.

Citizenship Award - This award is based on Christian citizenship, academic excellence, diversity of interest, loyalty to the American ideals, personal integrity and personal exemplification of the Wayland spirit. The Citizenship Award is presented to one graduating male and one graduating female student each year. Award nominees are selected by a vote of the student body during a designated chapel service. Each student designates, on a list containing all graduating seniors, the five men and five women he/she feels should be considered for the award. The five male and five female students receiving the greatest number of votes will be presented on a ballot to the faculty. The recipients will be determined by faculty vote. The Citizenship Award will be presented during a special chapel service designated as Recognition Chapel. The chapel will be followed by a brief ceremony where the recipient's names will be attached to the traditional Citizenship plaque in Gates Hall.

Association of Former Students Outstanding Freshman Award - This award is presented by the Association of Former Students to that freshman male and that freshman female student who, in the opinion of the faculty and staff, displays excellence in scholarship, leadership, appearance, and attitude. Award recipients are selected by the vote of the faculty and staff. To be eligible, recipients must be classified as freshmen and have a GPA of at least 2.5. Nomination ballots are distributed by the Office of Alumni Services to all faculty and staff who are asked to nominate one male and one female student. All nominees will be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar for grade verification. From the list of all qualified nominees, the faculty and staff indicate their choice for the award. Based on this initial ballot, the top three male and top three female vote recipients are included on a second ballot. The awardees are determined by the vote on the second ballot.

Ted Bell Memorial Art Award - This award is presented to an outstanding student in the field of art. Selection is made by the art faculty. This recognition carries a cash award.

Boyd Award - This award is presented to a sophomore or junior ministerial student who has demonstrated outstanding potential in the preaching ministry. Selection is made by the religion faculty. This recognition carries a cash award.

Roy C. McClung Award - This award is given to a junior student who has been at Wayland for his\her entire college experience and shows a genuine interest in some phase of teaching as a career. Application for this award is made through the Office of Executive Director of Student Services and selection is made by the Student Senate. This recognition carries a scholarship.

Helen Barnhart Reese Memorial Award - This award is presented to a junior student with career goals in the field of education. Application for the award is made through the Office of Executive Director of Student Services and selection is made by the Student Senate. This recognition carries a cash award.

Timothy Award - This award is presented to the graduating senior ministerial student with the highest four-year academic average at Wayland, and who expresses an interest in the preaching ministry. Selection is made by the religion faculty. This recognition carries a cash award.

J. H. Wayland Medical Award - This award is presented to an outstanding junior or senior student who plans to enter the medical profession. Selection is made by the science faculty. This recognition carries a cash award.

Sanders Memorial Mathematics Award & Scholarship - This award is presented to a junior or senior student who is an outstanding math student and preference given to a student who plans to teach. Selection is made by the mathematics faculty.

Janis Davis Scholarship - This memorial award and scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior female student who has evidenced a commitment to Wayland Baptist University and is recognized as an active participant in student life and has financial need and must meet academic requirements of the university.

Patsy Davis Scholarship - This award and scholarship is awarded to a full-time student committed to studies and an active participant in student life and has financial need and must meet academic requirements of the university.

Cecil & Kathleen Turner Memorial Music Award & Scholarship - This award and scholarship is given to an outstanding International Choir member who has a love for music and for Wayland Baptist University. Selection is made by the fine arts faculty.

Amelia Bishop Award & Scholarship - This award and scholarship is presented to the outstanding senior female ministerial student at the Plainview campus. Selection is made by the religion faculty.

Owen Leech Award - This award is presented to the outstanding ministerial student who has demonstrated a calling and commitment to discipleship and evangelism. Selection is made by the religion faculty.

Joe and Mildred Sanders Awards - Awarded to a male or female education student who is seeking to follow a calling as a public school teacher. Selection is made by the faculty of the School of Education. The award is a scholarship award.

American Chemical Society South Plains Section - This award recognizes the outstanding graduating senior chemistry student. Selection is made by the chemistry faculty.

Wall Street Journal Award - This award is presented to the outstanding senior student in Business Administration. Selection is made by the business faculty.

Highest Ranking Graduating Senior Award - This award is presented at graduation to the graduating senior with the highest grade point average. Determination of ranking is made by the vice president of academic affairs.

Senator of the Year Award - This award is presented by the Student Government Association to the senator who has made the most outstanding contribution to the work of the Student Senate. Selection is made by the senate and cabinet.

School Awards - These awards are given by each school to the outstanding junior or senior student in the school. Selection is made by the faculty in each school.

External Campuses
Additional awards may be given at individual Wayland external campuses. Descriptions of these awards are available from the appropriate executive director/campus dean.

Contact for interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on the subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 03/09/2009 - Revision-title change
- 04/25/2007 - Revision-title changes, addition of: Sanders Memorial, Janis Davis, Patsy David, Cecil & Kathleen Turneer Memorial, Amelia Bishop, Owen Leech, and American Chemical Society Awards
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 08/01/2004 - Reissue as 8.7.1
- 08/19/1997 - Revision-additiona of External Campus Awards
- 05/01/1992 - Inception as policy

Printed Policy 8.7.1
