Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 7.1.4
Policy 7.1.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 7.1.4
Revised: January 10, 2024
The purpose of the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center (LRC) is to provide resources, access to these resources, and facilitation in using the resources that support the curriculum and programs of the university.
Basic Collection - The library collection supports the curriculum of the university’s undergraduate and graduate programs. Within the context of the distinctly Christian environment of Wayland, the LRC seeks to collect materials that explore all points of view on issues presented in the curriculum. All library holdings are housed at the Mabee Learning Resources Center on the Plainview campus. The LRC does not acquire the following types of materials:
- Rare books, first editions, and unusually expensive material of limited scope
- Current popular fiction
- Books in languages not taught at Wayland
- Textbooks and other required course material for courses taught at the university
- Media in outdated formats
Other collections maintained by the LRC include:
- Juvenile literature
- Biblical Studies
- University archives
Gifts/Donations - Wayland Baptist University may decline to accept books, contributions or other properties. The LRC accepts gifts of money or materials under the following guidelines:
- All donated materials become the property of the LRC and are subject to the same evaluative criteria, classification, housing, and circulation rules as items purchased by the LRC.
- Any materials not added to the collection may be sold, donated, or
- The collection development librarian will notify the Office of Institutional Advancement of donated materials, which will then send a letter of acknowledgment to the donor.
- Independent collections which require increased expense for separate housing, inventory, maintenance, and control shall not be added to the LRC.
- Exceptions to the above guidelines may be granted to special cases only after administrative review by the director of library services, the vice president of academic affairs, the vice president for institutional advancement, and the president.
Collection Development - Because of their expertise in the various academic areas, the faculty share in the responsibility for the selection of materials. To ensure a balanced collection, the collection development librarian will work actively with the academic schools’ representatives of the Learning Resources Committee to review existing course bibliographies, periodical holdings, standing orders, database subscriptions, and school spending priorities. Faculty, students and university staff may suggest titles for purchase. Such requests shall be referred to the appropriate school for consideration and recommendation. Request forms are available online, from the collection development librarian, and the director of library services. Final responsibility for selection and expenditures rests with the director of library services.
Budget allocations for books, non-print, and online materials for each school are determined annually by the LRC faculty and are presented to the Learning Resource Committee for ratification. After the school allocations are ratified by the committee, representatives of each school shall inform the respective school of the amount it has available for books and non-print materials. The collection development librarian shall provide updated balances of book allocations to the Learning Resources Committee representatives as needed. Requests for materials will be placed with the collection development librarian by March 1st each year at which time unused funds will revert to the Learning Resources Centers’ general materials fund where they will be appropriated to areas of the collection that require more development.
LRC staff conduct a systematic program of deselecting materials from the general collection. Faculty will be advised before materials are withdrawn from the shelves. Items withdrawn from the collection may be replaced, sold, donated, or discarded.
Information Literacy and Orientation Services - The Learning Resources Center provides reference services, library orientation and information literacy instruction, bibliographic assistance, and online research guides using a variety of in person and online methods to all faculty, staff, and students regardless of location.
Interlibrary Loan
The purpose of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is to obtain, from other libraries, materials unavailable in the university library. Interlibrary Loan is a service offered to WBU faculty, staff, and students regardless of location at no cost. The conditions of this service are set by the Interlibrary Loan Code of the United States, guidelines on CONTU, and by the policies of individual lending libraries. The LRC does not provide course textbooks or other required course resources through ILL. Physical items received on loan through ILL shall not be placed on reserve. Overdue fines are not assessed for ILL loans; however, overdue notices will be sent. Replacement costs and related fees may be assessed at the end of the term for material borrowed through ILL that is not returned or material returned in a damaged condition.
Reserve Reading Area - The Reserve Reading Area provides controlled access to reading material assigned by university faculty. Faculty coordinate reserves with the reference librarian at least one week before an assignment is due and shall establish the loan period for materials and length of time the material will remain on reserve. Materials to be placed on reserve may be provided from the library collection or by faculty. All material provided by faculty to be placed on reserve shall be returned to the owner at the end of the reserve period. Faculty members placing materials on reserve are responsible for observing the provision of the Copyright Act (Title 17, U.S.C.) as well as University Policy relevant to copyright (University Policy 1.5.1)
Electronic Reserves – LRC staff provide eReserves management upon faculty request. EReserves are managed in Blackboard in accordance with established eReserves protocols and copyright restrictions.
Faculty Library Privileges - Faculty privileges are extended to individuals who hold faculty status and may be extended to an individual serving in an adjunct faculty position. Faculty are allowed the privilege of standard semester loan. Faculty members may borrow reference materials and periodicals overnight. All materials borrowed from the LRC must be returned at the end of each semester. Faculty members with materials on loan will be notified at least two weeks prior to the close of each term. Overdue fines are not assessed; however, overdue notices will be sent. Replacement costs may be assessed for material not returned or material returned in a damaged condition.
Student Library Privileges - Undergraduate students may check out items for three (3) weeks. Graduate- level students may check out items for four (4) weeks. Overdue fines are not assessed; however, overdue notices will be sent. Replacement costs may be assessed at the end of the term for material not returned or material returned in a damaged condition.
External Campuses - Every effort is made to provide the same level of service to WBU faculty, students and staff at external campuses and WBUOnline as that provided to Plainview campus library users. Information about services to students at other campuses and WBUOnline is available on the LRC website.
Community Library Privileges - (see policy, Library Service to the Community).
Reconsideration of Library Materials - In those instances where an individual affiliated with the Wayland Baptist University considers material contained within the library collection to be offensive, he/she may request the reconsideration of the material. This request should be submitted to the director of library services using the appropriate form, which is available from the director of library services. Upon receipt of the request, the library faculty and the Learning Resources Committee will review the request and make the determination whether to maintain the material on the shelves, place the material in restricted reserve, or remove the material from the collection. Contested material shall remain in the collection during the review process. The library director will report the outcome of the review process to the individual submitting the request for reconsideration in a timely manner. Contested material may not be reviewed for reconsideration more than once.
Disciplinary -WBU students are expected to abide by the standard of conduct set forth in the Student Handbook. LRC staff may ask unruly and/or uncooperative users to leave the library. Verified attempts to steal or mutilate library materials will result in the loss of entrance privileges and may result in legal action being taken.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 01/10/2024 - Revisions
- 08/14/2017 – Title changes
- 02/03/2014 - Revision-updated language, deletion of Online Databases and Media Production Center sections
- 03/04/2009 - Revision-title change (division to school, Provost/Academic Vice President to Executive Vice President/Provost)
- 04/11/2007 - Review
- 02/20/2007 - Revision-minor change
- 10/01/2004 - Revision-language change
- 01/18/2002 - Reissue as 7.1.4
- 01/18/2002 - Revision-language change
- 09/27/1995 - Revision-language change
- 03/05/1992 - Inception as policy 7.8.3