Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 6.1.2
Policy 6.1.2
Policy 6.1.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 6.1.2
Revised: August 1, 2017
Requisitioning and Purchasing University-owned Software - The department of information technology services (IT) will requisition and purchase all software applications considered necessary for the day to day operation of the university system. The IT department will work closely with the University Technology Committee and the external campuses to make sure that all administrative and academic needs that can be reasonably met are included. All licenses for this software will be maintained in the IT department. The purpose of this provision is to enable the university to purchase essential software products at significant savings as a result of quantity discounts. In cases where quantity discounts are not available, the IT department will work with the requisitioning school or campus to locate the best source to purchase the approved software.
An academic school or external campus may requisition and purchase academic or instructional software as it would textbooks or other instructional materials. However, all academic schools and external campuses should consult with the director of information technology services on the compatibility and security of the academic software being sought for the network being run on that campus. Licenses for academic or instructional software will be kept on file in the office of the school or campus in which they are purchased.
Unauthorized Copying of Software - All commercial software is protected by copyrights, patents, and/or license agreements. Duplication of software, in most cases, is considered copyright infringement. Copyright violations will not be tolerated by the university. If pirated (illegal) software is found on the hard drive or on diskettes owned by the university, the program and data files will be erased without notice to the user of that machine. Wayland personnel who violate copyright laws will be subject to university sanctions.
Software Standards - Due to requirements of the primary university database system, the university will operate the Microsoft operating system for all computers and will work with the Microsoft Office Suite of applications for daily computing tasks. Because of the need to standardize file formats across the university system, the IT department will maintain an annual agreement with Microsoft to provide these software applications. The contracts and licensing for these applications will be maintained in the IT department.
The need to standardize around the Microsoft platform does not mean that other word processing, spreadsheet, or other types of programs cannot be run on university computers. While all university administrative data files must be generated with and saved in Microsoft formats, faculty and others who have a specific need may use other applications and formats for other reasons, such as instructional purposes. It is recommended that the IT department be consulted regarding all non-standard software applications to verify compatibility with the university computing and networking systems.
Due to concerns about security of data and performance of network circuits, some software applications must not be installed on university computers. Questions regarding the propriety or advisability of software installation must be directed to information technology services. Software which is prohibited by the IT director must not be installed on university equipment. Information technology services will maintain a list of prohibited software, and such exceptions as may be necessary for classroom use. Appeal of decisions by the director of information technology services can be made to the technology committee.
Management of Volume License Keys - In all cases, volume license keys that grant exclusive right of this university to use that software must be kept under tight control. Volume license keys may not be used to install any university-owned software on non-university-owned computers. Unauthorized use of a software volume license key will be treated as software theft and reported to the appropriate authorities.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 02/27/2009 - Revision-title change
- 04/16/2007 - Revision-title change
- 04/16/2007 - Review
- 03/31/2005 - Revision-minor change
- 03/30/2005 - Review
- 09/15/2004 - Reissue as 6.1.2
- 09/15/2004 - Revision-title change
- 06/11/2004 - Revision-TITLE and editorial change
- 05/05/1997 - Revision-editorial change
- 08/04/1994 - Revsion-title change
- 08/04/1994 - Inception as policy 8.1.14
Printed Policy 6.1.2