Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 5.1.2
Policy 5.1.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 5.1.2
Revised: August 14, 2017
The president of the university is responsible for new construction as well any major modification or renovation of an existing system facility requiring a special budgetary allocation. While the president or executive director/campus dean, and any campus personnel named by the president or executive director/campus dean of the campus involved, shall be involved in every stage of planning preceding the awarding of construction contracts, all decisions related to construction or major renovation contract shall rest with the president's office or with its designated construction liaison.
Preliminary planning consists of developing a facility use prospectus that can be used by the facility architect to develop working drawings. The facility use prospectus shall recommend the number, interrelation, and kinds of spaces that should be provided as well as the proposed utilization of these spaces.
For major projects, a design committee shall be created by the president. The university's design committee will provide recommendations concerning materials, color, and furnishings, seeking additional campus/program/academic school input, when necessary. In making their recommendations, the design committee shall work with the campus involved as well as the president's office and/or its designated construction liaison. Design committee recommendations will also be shared with the project architect. While campus input shall be sought through the working drawings stage of the project, the ultimate size and configuration of these spaces shall be left to the discretion of the project architect. All contact with the project architect during the planning stage will be through the president's office or its designated construction liaison.
If price considerations require that major changes be made to the facility design, additional campus/program/academic school input will also be sought to determine which modifications should be made and how those modifications will be accomplished from a costs standpoint. Once the contract has been awarded, all change orders must be submitted through and approved by the president's office or his designated construction liaison. When the construction or renovation project has been accepted by the university, it shall become a part of the campus's inventory, and thereby the responsibility of the president or executive director/campus dean of the campus.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
The policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 09/03/2014 - Reviewed, updated language in paragraphs 1, 3, & 4
- 02/27/2009 - Revision-layout change - 04/11/2007 - Review
- 05/15/2004 - Revision-title change - 09/01/2001 - Revision-restructure
- 09/10/1994 - Reissue as 5.1.2
- 09/10/1994 - Revision-new language, title change, subject title change
- 09/10/1993 - Inception of policy 5.1.1