Policy 2.3.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.3.2
Revised: June 6, 2024


Each employee of Wayland Baptist University who is budgeted by name on a full-time basis and each full- time faculty member is eligible to register as a student for classes held during normal working hours provided, with the exception noted below, the course load does not exceed one course per 16-week term or 8-week session. The employee must work the full number of hours for which paid, and class attendance must not interfere in any way with the accomplishment of duties or the work of the department. Similarly, a faculty member must not let class attendance interfere with the accomplishment of the work of the school.


Time off from the regular workweek to attend classes depends on satisfactory arrangements being made for the employee to make up the time outside of normal duty hours. Such employment arrangements are to be recommended by the head of the employing department or unit and approved by the respective Cabinet member.


If it is determined to be beneficial to the university, an eligible employee may petition to enroll for more than four credit hours per 16-week term or 8-week session in classes which meet during normal working hours. The petition must be recommended by the head of the employee’s department or unit and approved by the respective Cabinet member. If the employee is working for more than one department or unit, the petition must be similarly approved by each department or unit and respective Cabinet member(s). An approved copy of the petition must be presented to the individual who is responsible for approving the course of study (registration advisor) when the employee registers.


Eligible employees may audit courses with the permission of their department or unit head subject to the same restrictions on class attendance and work arrangements prescribed above for courses taken for credit. Employees may also attend short courses with the permission of their department or unit heads.


Part-time employees are eligible to register for as many credit hours as their terms of employment will permit. Such employees will be paid only for the hours worked, and will obtain the consent of their supervisors in arrangement of their class attendance time if their work schedule will be influenced by the class schedule. A record will be preserved within the department or unit of the agreed upon working hours and class attendance schedule.


Tuition and other Enrollment Charges - Full-time faculty and non-faculty employees of Wayland Baptist University are eligible for a Faculty/Staff Scholarship for one associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s level course per 16-week term or 8-week session each fall, spring and summer term/session at any one campus. Faculty/Staff Scholarships will not be provided for courses taken at multiple campuses during the same term. For example, an employee cannot receive a Faculty/Staff Scholarship for a course during the fall 16-week term at the Plainview campus and also receive a Faculty/Staff Scholarship for a course during a fall session at an external campus or WBUonline. To receive a Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship, eligible employees are to submit a Certificate of Eligibility (Attachment A), approved by their supervisor to the financial aid office one week following the end of registration for the 16-week term or 8-week session.


For each doctoral program, only one Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship in an amount per credit hour to be determined by the university for one course will be awarded each 16-week term or 8-week session. The award of the scholarship will be competitive and the recipient will be selected based on timely submission of and response to criteria noted in the Employee Scholarship Application form – Doctorate, or Attachment B. Once awarded, the recipient may continue to receive the scholarship so long as the student remains continuously enrolled and is making satisfactory academic progress toward the degree.


Employees registering as undergraduate students wishing to receive financial aid for more than one class per 16-week term or 8-week session will be required to file the FAFSA. This will determine eligibility for grants and loans (federal and/or state funded).


Employees registering as graduate students wishing to receive federal loans beyond the Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship will be required to file the FAFSA. This will determine eligibility for loans (federal and/or state funded). If employee is only taking one class per 16-week term or 8-week session and does not want to receive federal loans, then filing the FAFSA is not required.


Status as a full-time employee entitles an employee to receive a Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship for one associate, bachelor’s or master’s level class per 16-week term or 8-week session, including those employees in a “conditional enrollment” status who have not been fully admitted. However, if the employee enrolled as a student elects to request any other type of aid, including federal or state aid, then full admission status is required prior to disbursement.


Certificate of Eligibility form (Attachment A) is due in the financial aid office 1-week following the end of registration for the 16-week term or 8-week session.


All grants and entitlements from federal and state sources will be first applied to any direct educational costs beyond tuition. Direct educational costs include tuition, fees, books, and course supplies. The net amount of grants and other entitlements will then be applied to tuition. Any remaining tuition balance will then be offset by the Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship. In the event federal and/or state grants are not available to the student, the fees and books are the responsibility of the student. The Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship covers tuition only.


Failure to meet satisfactory academic standards as outlined in the current university catalog could result in loss of scholarship eligibility.


The Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship will not apply to courses that are dropped or failed. Institutional or endowed scholarships, including the Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship, will not be awarded to students who are currently in default on any student loan or owe a PELL overpayment under the Title IV program.


In the event employment is terminated prior to the census of a given 16-week term or 8-week session, in which an employee is currently enrolled, the employee attending the university under this provision may complete the 16-week term or 8-week session in which they are currently enrolled, but the Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship will not apply. In the event employment is terminated after the census date of a given 16-week term or 8-week session in which an employee is currently enrolled, the employee attending the university under this provision may complete the 16-week term or 8-week session in which they are currently enrolled and the Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship will apply.

Contact for Interpretation:  Chief Financial Officer


This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


  • 06/06/2024 – Revision – added language related to Doctorate scholarship and Attachment B
  • 08/12/2020 – Revision-updated language to reflect the 16-week terms and/or terms to sessions
  • 08/14/2017 - Reviewed
  • 09/14/2015 - Revision-Update to include doctoral program. Faculty/Staff Scholarship changed to Faculty/Staff or Dependent Tuition Scholarship, addition of 7th paragraph
  • 08/03/2015 - Revision - deletion of “The Faculty/Staff Scholarship will be awarded at the end of the term once grades are verified.” from paragraph 13.
  • 07/06/2015 - Revision-addition of paragraph 11 and update of paragraph 13; change of Contact for Interpretation from EVP/V to CFO
  • 02/03/2014 - Revision-update of language, addition of Attachment A
  • 05/18/2010- Revision of academic standards statement
  • 12/11/2009 - Addition of academic standards
  • 03/05/2009 - Addition of default statement; family adjusted gross income
  • 03/29/2007 - Reviewed
  • 08/01/2005 - Changed from four hours to one class per term
  • 10/01/2004 - Title change
  • 01/15/2003 - Reissued as 2.3.2; tuition changes, use of FAFSA
  • 08/19/1997 - Reviewed
  • 03/04/1992 - Inception as policy

Printable Policy 2.3.2
Printable Attachment A

Printable Attachment B