
Policy 2.3.1

Policy 2.3.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.3.1

Reviewed: August 14, 2017


A moving allowance may be provided for new employees who must move to the university community to accept employment. Such provision is generally limited to faculty and administrative staff positions for which a formal search is conducted. Limited budget funds are available for this purpose and budgetary approval is required prior to the issuance of a commitment to provide a moving allowance.

A request for a moving allowance is submitted by the new employee's immediate supervisor using the university travel form. Such requests are subject to normal purchasing processes and approvals. The amount is generally limited to $2000. The amount approved will be disbursed upon the submission of receipts substantiating actual moving costs incurred. The employment contract or payroll authorization, as applicable, will include the agreement to provide a stated amount of moving allowance. Persons extending the employment offer are responsible for explaining the moving allowance reimbursement procedure to the new employee prior to the move. The necessity for the retention of receipts and mileage records should be emphasized.

Internal Revenue Service code establishes tax-deductible moving expenses and is used as the basis for costs reimbursable by the university. Costs eligible for reimbursement include the cost of moving household and personal effects, transportation, and lodging in route. Meals in route are not tax deductible, and consequently, are not reimbursable. IRS code requires that the new residence be at least 50 miles nearer to the workplace than was the former residence in order to qualify as a tax-deductible move. The status of a cost as reimbursable is subject to revision in IRS code.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Review of policy
- 08/05/2013 - Review-no changes

-   02/19/2009 - Revised and Edited
- 12/08/2006 - Position Changes

-   07/01/2004 - Policy Reissued 2.3.1.

-   12/14/1995 - Inception as policy 2.4.2

Printable Policy 2.3.1