
Policy 2.2.2

Policy 2.2.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.2.2

Revised: August 14, 2017


On the Plainview campus, all students enrolled in seven or more semester hours are eligible for a student I.D. card.

Participation in many university activities and services at the Plainview campus requires the presentation of a university picture identification card. A student must have an I.D. card to check out library books, to pick up free tickets, and to use the computer labs and other university facilities. Picture identification may be required of persons presenting checks to the bookstore, business office and food services. A member of the faculty or staff must have an I.D. card to use recreational facilities and to check out library books.

Plainview students - I.D. cards may be obtained during the registration process at the office of the Dean of Students upon presentation of a paid registration receipt. The card must be revalidated each semester that the student is in attendance at Wayland Baptist University. A charge will be levied for the replacement of a lost card.

Plainview employee cards - Plainview employees may obtain an I.D. card from the office of the Executive Director of Student Services. A fee will be charged to replace a lost card. A terminating employee should turn in his or her I.D. card to the business office as a part of the final check out process.

External campus policy - On the external campuses, issuing I.D. cards is optional and any applicable policies and procedures are at the discretion of the executive director/ campus dean.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes      
- 05/08/2012 - Revision-Plainview employee cards

-   11/24/2008 - Reviewed with position change

-   02/12/2007 - Reviewed/edited title change

-   09/01/2004 - Title/position change

-   10/01/2003 - Reviewed/edited

-   09/15/2001 - Reviewed/reissued as policy 2.2.2

-   07/14/1997 - Reviewed/title change

-   02/17/1992 - Inception date for policy 2.1.6

Printable Policy 2.2.2.