
Policy 2.2.1

Policy 2.2.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.2.1

Reviewed: August 14, 2017


An orientation process is provided to acquaint all new employees with the university, its mission and purpose, organizational structure, facilities, and pertinent policy and procedure documents. Procedures necessary at the beginning of employment shall be addressed to assist the new employee in the transition to the new position.

The New Employee Orientation form, (attachment A) is provided to facilitate the orientation process. The form is initiated by the immediate supervisor of the new employee or the Office of Human Resources and is utilized as authorization for the issuance of keys, building security codes, computer logon rights, and a long distance telephone code.

An entrance interview, as outlined on the New Employee Orientation form, will be conducted by the Office of Human Resources at the Plainview campus or by a designated person at external campus locations. Each new employee will sign the form to certify that listed policy and procedure documents have been read, and that the new employee accepts the duties and responsibilities of employment with the university.

A copy of the New Employee Orientation form is sent to the appropriate offices as authorization of key issuance, computer logon assignment, and long distance telephone access code assignment. The original copy will also be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources for inclusion in the employee's permanent file.

For employees on the Plainview campus, the new employee orientation process will be completed within two weeks of the employee's first day of work.

External campus employees - Employees on the external campuses, who will attend New Employee Orientation at the Plainview campus, should complete applicable portions of the orientation process locally within two weeks of the employee's first day of work, with the remainder to be completed when the employee attends the new employee orientation at the Plainview campus. If an employee is unable to attend the New Employee Orientation, the external campus designee will coordinate appropriate activities with the Office of Human Resources.

The new employee packet should be completed immediately upon acceptance of employment so as to avoid delay of the issuance of the first paycheck.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-          08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 04/11/2007 - Reviewed

-          10/01/2004 - Reviewed

-          10/01/2003 - Revised/reissued as policy 2.2.1

-          12/15/1995 - Inception as policy 2.2.2

Printable Poilicy 2.2.1

Printable Attachment A