Policy 1.3.1.

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.3.1
Revised: October 14, 2020



The President's Cabinet consists of the president, the senior vice president of operations and student life, the vice president of academic affairs, the vice president of institutional advancement, the vice president of enrollment management, the vice president of external campuses, the chief financial officer, and the chief information officer of the university. As of July 20, 2020, the chief information officer is an employee of Ellucian Managed Services and is a non-voting associate member of the President's Cabinet. The cabinet is responsible for coordinating the planning, development, operation, and general oversight of all activities of the university. Specific responsibilities of the cabinet include:

  1. Ensuring that the university operates in accordance with its mission statement.
  2. Reviewing and recommending new policies or changes to existing policies concerning:
    1. budgeting and budgetary processes
    2. administrative procedures related to recruitment, admission, and retention of Students
    3. operation of the physical plant
    4. computer services
    5. student services
    6. public information and university development
    7. administrative support for basic academic programs and services
  3. Reviewing and recommending changes to the university's strategic facility and academic master plans
  4. Reviewing the integration of all administrative and campus Sub-systems to ensure optimal administrative functioning
  5. Developing the agenda for all regular meetings of the Board of Trustees
  6. Considering the implications of recommendations or actions taken By intra- or extra-university bodies when such recommendations or actions impact on the functioning of the university or any of its campuses.

The president shall chair the President's cabinet, keep and circulate the minutes, and receive and circulate agenda items.

The President's Cabinet is scheduled to meet on the first Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. or as often as needed and requested by the president.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

-   10/14/2020 - Revision-promotions
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 08/20/2013 - Reviewed-1:30 changed to 9:00, first Monday of each month
-   12/15/2006 - Revision President Cabinet scheduled meetings
-   09/15/2001 - Reissued as Policy 1.3.1 as President's Cabinet
- 01/01/1997 - Layout changes
-   09/11/1996 - Reissued as Policy as President's Council
-   01/14/1997 - Inception of Policy as Administrative Cabinet


Printable Policy 1.3.1