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Policy 1.2.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number 1.2.1
Revised: December 8, 2021
The administrative structure of the Wayland Baptist University System consists of the president, the senior vice president of operations and student life, the vice president of academic affairs, vice president of institutional advancement, the vice president of enrollment management, vice president of external campuses, and the chief financial officer. The chief information officer serves as an associate member of the cabinet. The organizational structure of the university system is shown in the Wayland Baptist University Organizational Chart, (attachment A). The role of each administrator is listed below:
The chief executive officer of The Wayland Baptist University System is the president. Subject to the policies of the university, and under the general authority of the Board of Trustees, the president shall:
1. serve as liaison between the Board of Trustees and the university system;
2. ensure that the university functions in accordance with its mission of preparing, in a Christian environment, broadly educated individuals who can move easily and productively into a variety of professions or into other academic pursuits;
3. ensure that the climate of each university campus is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
4. recommend and implement an organizational structure necessary to fulfill the university’s mission and goals;
5. coordinate the planning, development, operation, and general oversight of all activities of the Wayland Baptist University System;
6. interpret the university’s program needs to the Board of Trustees;
7. develop the agenda and submit action items and reports for all regular and called meetings of the Board of Trustees;
8. develop and submit to the Board of Trustees an annual budget for their approval,
9. recommend to the Board of Trustees the appointment of all personnel requiring appointment by the board;
10. develop and disseminate information concerning programs and accomplishments;
11. serve as the university’s liaison with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, area churches, and all other institutionally related agencies, groups, and entities;
12. provide administrative oversight for the senior vice president of operations and student life, the vice president of academic affairs, vice president of institutional advancement, vice president of enrollment management, vice president of external campuses, chief financial officer, chief information officer, and director of spiritual life.
13. assume ultimate responsibility for the intercollegiate athletics program, including administrative and fiscal control of the program;
14. control and actively participate in fund-raising activities and projects as defined by the university’s master development plan;
15. with appropriate system input, provide administrative oversight for the development and maintenance of the university’s Policy and Procedures Manual: and the preparation of the university’s strategic plan;
16. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies; and
17. serve as chair of the President’s Cabinet.
Senior Vice President Operations and 兔子先生系列麻豆
The senior vice president of operations and student life is responsible for administrative oversight for areas of Athletics, 兔子先生系列麻豆, Police Department, Property and facilities and Vice President of Enrollment Management.
The specific responsibilities of the sr. vice president of operations and student life include the following:
1. act with integrity in all matters and exhibit behavior that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards;
2. work cooperatively with the president in all areas that impact the university;
3. serve as the administrative liaison to the Board of Trustees’ Property Management Committee and the Enrollment Management committee;
4. ensure that the climate of the university campuses is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
5. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual plan for operations and student life addressing all areas of administrative oversight;
6. serve as a member of the President's Cabinet;
7. provide administrative oversight to the following:
8. monitor policies and procedures designed to ensure that the senior vice president of operation and student life fulfills its defined mission;
9. provide administrative oversight for all contracted services including, but no limited to, maintenance, grounds, HVAC, custodial, food service, and security programs;
10. provide administrative direction for campus Police Department, traffic and parking;
11. provide administrative oversight for all university properties, including agriculture and mineral holdings; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the president;
12. develop, with appropriate system input, and forward for approval, those policies which define university practice in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
13. interpret university policy to Wayland faculty and staff;
14. review and approve recommendations with respect to the preparation of the annual budget and special budget requests in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
15. administer those personnel and budgets which fall under assigned administrative oversight;
16. review and approve recommendations with respect to appointments, promotions, terminations, leaves of absence, and salaries in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
17. advise the president regarding the status of all areas for which the administrative oversight has been assigned;
18. participate in fund-raising activities and projects as defined by the university's master development plan;
19. represent the university in civic and community activities as requested;
20. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies; and
21. assume other administrative responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Vice President of Academic Affairs
The vice president of academic affairs is administratively responsible for ensuring the quality and relevance of the university’s academic programs. The specific responsibilities of the vice president of academic affairs include the following:
1. act with integrity in all matters and exhibit behavior that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards;
2. work cooperatively with the president in all areas that impact the university;
3. serve as the administrative liaison to the Board of Trustees’ Academic Affairs Committee;
4. ensure that the climate of the university campuses is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
5. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual plan for academic affairs addressing all areas of administrative oversight;
6. serve as a member of the President’s Cabinet;
7. chair the Academic Council and Graduate Council;
8. serve as the university’s liaison to the Faculty Senate;
9. provide administrative oversight to the following:
10. conduct annual evaluations of those programs and personnel directly responsible to the vice president of academic affairs;
11. develop, with appropriate system input, and forward for approval, those policies which define university practice in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
12. interpret university policy to Wayland faculty and staff;
13. review and approve recommendations with respect to the preparation of the annual budget and special budget requests in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
14. administer those personnel and budgets which fall under assigned administrative oversight;
15. review and approve recommendations with respect to appointments, promotions, terminations, leaves of absence, and salaries in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
16. advise the president regarding the status of all areas for which the administrative oversight has been assigned;
17. participate in fund-raising activities, including grants and projects as defined by the university’s strategic plan;
18. maintain the personnel files for all Wayland faculty, external campus executive director/campus deans, and school deans;
19. represent the university in civic and community activities as requested;
20. monitor policies and procedures designed to ensure that the Office of Academic Affairs fulfills its defined mission;
21. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies; and
22. assume other responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
The vice president of institutional advancement is charged with developing and implementing a comprehensive institutional advancement plan, and ensuring effective communication within the university community and with and between all university audiences. In addition, the executive director of institutional advancement is charged with the development and initiation of programs to increase levels of funding as well as insuring and promoting a positive university image and growth through system-wide marketing. The specific responsibilities of the vice president of institutional advancement include the following:
1. act with integrity in all matters and exhibit behavior that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards;
2. work cooperatively with the president in all areas that impact the university;
3. serve as the administrative liaison to the Board of Trustees’ Institutional Advancement Committee;
4. serve as a member of the President’s Cabinet;
5. ensure that the climate of the university campuses is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
6. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual institutional advancement plan addressing all areas of administrative oversight;
7. provide administrative oversight to the following:
8. organize and conduct, with appropriate university input, all fund raising programs and campaigns for the operating budget, facilities, equipment, and endowments from individuals, corporations, and foundations;
9. coordinate and recommend priorities for all special solicitations by and for faculty members, school deans, department heads, executive directors, or others;
10. supervise the receipting, recording, and acknowledging of all gifts and grants received by the university;
11. coordinate all donor relations for the university system, its school deans and departments, and external campuses;
12. develop corporate, foundation, and individual major donor prospects;
13. provide administrative direction for all university publications;
14. provide administrative direction for the maintenance of alumni records, liaison with the officers of the Association of Former Students, alumni chapters, alumni events, and publications;
15. develop and maintain reference sources for fund raising, prospect research, and professional development;
16. conduct annual evaluations of those programs and personnel directly responsible to the vice president of institutional advancement;
17. develop, with appropriate system input, and forward for approval, those policies which define university practice in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
18. interpret university policy to Wayland faculty and staff;
19. review and approve recommendations with respect to the preparation of the annual budget and special budget requests in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
20. administer those personnel and budgets which fall under assigned administrative oversight;
21. review and approve recommendations with respect to appointments, promotions, terminations, leaves of absence, and salaries in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
22. advise the president regarding the status of all areas for which the administrative oversight has been assigned;
23. participate in fund-raising activities and projects as defined by the university’s master development plan;
24. represent the university in civic and community activities as requested;
25. monitor policies and procedures designed to ensure that the Office of Institutional Advancement fulfills its defined mission;
26. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies; and
27. assume other responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Vice President of Enrollment Management
The vice president of enrollment management is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive enrollment management plan, ensuring effective communication within the university community, in the areas of assigned administrative oversight, ensuring that administrative offices are sensitive to student needs and concerns, ensuring a positive university image, developing and initiating programs to increase enrollment and to retain students. The specific responsibilities of the vice president of enrollment management include the following:
1. act with integrity in all matters and exhibit behavior that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards;
2. work cooperatively with the president in all areas that impact the university;
3. serve as an administrative liaison to the Board of Trustees’ Enrollment Management Committee;
4. serve as a member of the President’s Cabinet;
5. ensure that the climate of the university campuses is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
6. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual plan for the enrollment management addressing all areas of administrative oversight;
7. provide administrative oversight for the following:
8. monitor policies and procedures designed to ensure that the Office of Enrollment Management fulfills its defined mission;
9. conduct annual evaluations of those programs and personnel directly responsible to the vice president of enrollment management;
10. develop, with appropriate system input, and forward for approval, those policies which define university practice in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
11. interpret university policy to Wayland faculty and staff;
12. review and approve recommendations with respect to the preparation of the annual budget and special budget requests in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
13. administer those personnel and budgets which fall under assigned administrative oversight;
14. review and approve recommendations with respect to appointments, promotions, terminations, leaves of absence, and salaries in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
15. advise the president regarding the status of all areas for which the administrative oversight has been assigned;
16. participate in fund-raising activities and projects as defined by the university’s master development plan;
17. represent the university in civic and community activities as requested;
18. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies; and
19. assume other responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Vice President of External Campuses
The vice president of external campuses is responsible for the direct administration and supervision of Wayland’s external campus operations. The vice president of external campuses will work closely with the vice president of academic affairs in the administration of the Wayland academic program system-wide. The specific responsibilities of the vice president of external campuses include the following:
1. act with integrity in all matters and exhibit behavior that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards;
2. work cooperatively with the president in all areas that impact the university;
3. serve as an administrative liaison to the Board of Trustees’ Academic Affairs Committee;
4. serve as a member of the President’s Cabinet;
5. ensure that the climate of the university campuses is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
6. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual plan for external campuses addressing all areas of administrative oversight;
7. coordinate the planning, development, operation, and general oversight of all activities on the external campuses;
8. provide administrative oversight for the following:
10. coordinate communications with appropriate external agencies, including governmental and military installations, regarding the university’s undergraduate and graduate programs;
11. conduct annual evaluations of those programs and personnel directly responsible to the vice president of external campuses;
12. develop, with appropriate system input, and forward for approval, those policies which define university practice in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
13. interpret university policy to Wayland faculty and staff;
14. review and approve recommendations with respect to the preparation of the annual budget and special budget requests in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
15. administer those personnel and budgets which fall under assigned administrative oversight;
16. review and approve recommendations with respect to appointments, promotions, terminations, leaves of absence, and salaries in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
17. advise the president regarding the status of all areas for which the administrative oversight has been assigned;
18. participate in fund-raising activities and projects as defined by the university’s master development plan;
19. represent the university in civic and community activities as requested;
20. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies;
21. attend professional meetings and external campus graduations;
22. maintain the Department of Veterans Affairs Principles of Excellence and DoD and installation Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs/MOAs) and serve as primary liaison with the U.S. Armed Services for policy and administrative issues;
23. develop and maintain Emergency Preparedness Plans for each campus; and
24. assume other administrative responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for developing the university’s annual budget and managing the business and financial affairs of the university, ensuring that administrative offices are sensitive to faculty needs and concerns, and for developing and recommending policies related to each of these areas.
The specific responsibilities of the chief financial officer include the following:
1. act with integrity in all matters and exhibit behavior that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards;
2. work cooperatively with the president in all areas that impact the university;
3. serve as the administrative liaison to the Board of Trustees’ Finance, Audit, and Investment Committees;
4. ensure that the climate of the university campuses is conducive to the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff, and is consistent with that expected of a Christian university;
5. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual plan for business and finance addressing all areas of administrative oversight;
6. serve as a member of the President’s Cabinet;
7. provide administrative oversight to the following:
9. develop, with appropriate system input, and forward for approval, those policies which define university practice in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
10. interpret university policy to Wayland faculty and staff;
11. review and approve recommendations with respect to the preparation of the annual budget and special budget requests in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
12. administer those personnel and budgets which fall under assigned administrative oversight;
13. review and approve recommendations with respect to appointments, promotions, terminations, leaves of absence, and salaries in areas of assigned administrative oversight;
14. advise the president regarding the status of all areas for which the administrative oversight has been assigned;
15. participate in fund-raising activities and projects as defined by the university’s master development plan;
16. represent the university in civic and community activities as requested;
17. monitor policies and procedures designed to ensure that the Office of the Chief Financial Officer fulfills its defined mission;
18. understand and consistently apply the policies and procedures of the University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, United States Department of Education, and other external regulatory agencies;
19. ensure that material resources are adequate to accomplish Wayland’s mission;
20. manage all financial operations of the university, including the design of the university’s financial reporting format, the preparation and distribution of all budget reports, the preparation of a comprehensive annual financial analysis, administrative oversight for budgetary control, and the provision of that data required for the annual audit;
21. ensure that appropriate internal controls and procedures are used for cash management, budget accounts reporting and transfers, accounting records, internal financial reporting, and all other financial and economic transactions and functions;
22. manage the University’s debt to provide short-term working capital, and for long-term physical projects in the most economically advantageous methods;
23. work closely with the president and the investment manager (outsourced) to carry out the Investment Plan;
24. provide external reporting of the University’s financial and economic condition and results of operation and external funding from grants, gifts, and contracts;
25. advise the president and other university officials with appropriate financial information, data, records, and opinion;
26. work closely with external agencies such as banks, insurance companies, bond rating agencies, auditors, and governmental agencies to ensure that execution and routing of business and fiscal transactions (debt, risk management, purchasing, taxes, etc.) are in legal compliance and optimized for the benefit of the University;
27. develop and establish finance organizational strategies by:
28. develop, with appropriate university input, an annual budget that reflects the values and mission of the university with assumptions neither too conservative nor too aggressive;
29. provide monthly budget reports to the Board of Trustees;
30. supervise the official repository for all university legal and financial contracts; and
31. assume other responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Chief Information Officer
The Chief Information Officer is an employee of Ellucian Managed Services and interacts with Cabinet as an associate member.
The specific responsibilities of the chief information officer include the following:
1. Successfully accomplish the duties and strategies agreed upon by Wayland and Ellucian Managed Services.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on the subject.
- 02/14/2024 - Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 12/08/2021 – Revision of duties; updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 11/11/2020 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 10/14/2020 – Revision due to promotions
- 03-01-2020 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 01/10/2018 – Revision-updated language throughout policy
- 06/12/2017 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 10/24/2014 – Updated Organization Chart, Attachment A
- 01/13/2014 – Revision-updated language throughout policy, complete rewrite of Chief Financial Officer
- 09/06/2013 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 07/13/2013 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 05/23/2012 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 11/30/2011 – Updated Organizational Chart, Attachment A
- 05/26/2011 – Addition of Diversity Awareness and Education Committee
- 03/25/2010 – Administrative structure change
- 11/12/2008 – Title changes
- 07/19/2007 – Revised organization chart
- 03/22/2007 – Reviewed – edited organizational chart
- 10/03/2005 – Reissued to policy 1.2.1 – edited
- 09/19/2001 – Reviewed – Title change – edited
- 03/23/1995 – Revised - edited with policy and organizational chart
- 05/16/1992 – Inception as Policy 1.1.2
Printable Attachment A - Organizational Chart